Recent content by Erasmus_xlt

  1. Erasmus_xlt

    My 12-Step Journey

    Celebrate Recovery is a Christian based 12-step program similar to Sexaholics Anonymous.  The program is comprised of 12 Steps and 8 Principles that are based on the Beatitudes.  I will begin by posting the twelve steps and then attempt to cataloge my progress through them. Here are the 12...
  2. Erasmus_xlt

    30 Days - Love Heals Program

    Upon the recommendation of the significant other (SO) of another porn addict (PA) here in the blogs, I was introduced to Dr. Mark Chamberlain of Suncrest Counseling and his blog .  I needed his blog because it spoke straight to the heart of what I...
  3. Erasmus_xlt

    Because God and my Wife Deserve Better

    Day 1. Busted.  Again. Its amazing how desperately dumb I can be.  So, I'm doing homework at the table where I have the computer set up.  My wife is in the bedroom because she hasn't been feeling very well.  She even had to endure an invasive medical procedure to only find out that the doctors...