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  1. Dharmabum

    Why Do I...?

    Why do I... Why do I tell myself a little soft-core viewing won't hurt? Why do I tell myself "only ten minutes"? Why do I tell myself "foot fetish and light bondage videos aren't porn"? Why do I tell myself "this will make sex with my wife better?" Why do I tell myself, "I deserve this?" Why do...
  2. Dharmabum

    Mental Rape

    Mental Rape - it's an awful phrase, isn't it?  It's one I read in a book called "Dharma Punx", about an addict who finds his way out through Buddhism, while maintaining his punk-rock roots.  Anyway, the author referred to porn as 'mental rape' because he was exploiting the women in the video...
  3. Dharmabum

    Fall 7 Times, Stand Up 8...

    That's the old saying, right?  I keep straying from the tools necessary to keep me sober, and thus, I keep backsliding.  Months and months of healthy, fun, carefree sex with my wife gave my ego permission to start thinking I was bulletproof, and that a little bit of porn would not hurt.  So, I...
  4. Dharmabum

    One Year Later...

    Hi everyone, It was a year ago this week that I came to this forum, at a low, low place in my life, having been caught by my wife.  I was flirting on Facebook and engaging in "intrigue" online, not to mention spending an hour or two watching fetish/porn videos pretty much daily.  She gave me...
  5. Dharmabum

    A Fresh Start...

    So, I haven't checked in in awhile and, when I did, I saw my counter was up to 198 days without PMO.  I can't honestly say that's true.  I've edged, I've peeked at videos, letting them play for 5 or 10 seconds before logging off.  I've looked at still images that are triggers.  I may not have...
  6. Dharmabum

    ED Limbo

    So, after six months of struggling to maintain my sexual sobriety - with some admitted struggles with edging and fantasy along the way - I ran into my first setback with an unanticipated bout of ED with my wife the past two weeks.  My brain just went out the window during sex a couple of weeks...
  7. Dharmabum

    How Much To Share?

    So, here's a question I haven't seen addressed (maybe I've missed it). I have a number of friends in recovery, most of them for alcohol-related abuses.  They are viewed as pretty heroic for sustaining sobriety, and no one seems to judge them for their past. Meanwhile, we have an addiction...
  8. Dharmabum

    Tommy's Journal

    It's 6am and I've been wide awake since 4a.  My wife - who forgave an admission of porn addiction years ago , discovered my online Facebook flirtations with a few female friends.  Innocent enough on their part, but incriminating on mine because I was trying to create intrigue around my addiction...