The clean journey


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No porn Friday nor all weekend. Started looking a little last night but didn't progress to porn, but it's reminder to stay vigilant. Somehow it's hard to remember that innocent looking never stays innocent. I feel healthier and that's a much better way to be.


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WFH day today. Today's a good day to get stuff done without distractions, including the self-sabotaging kind.
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Yesterday went ok, although I did start to wander a couple of times. I was setting up a secondary computer to use for all non-work business when I'm working from home, as I try to keep personal stuff off of work computers as much as possible (though it's not completely possible). But, of course, it can be used for decidedly non-work searches too and I may have to reconsider that. Or it's just another way I need to be disciplined: can't go through all of life afraid of being tempted.


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The schedule of life has been so incredibly full lately that my wife and I barely have time to say hi to each other, and when we do, it's to share news on some issue with one of the kids. Really hard to find any time to actually enjoy being married, which we both thoroughly regret. On the other hand, there's hardly any time or opportunity to seek out porn as an alternative, although I have been peeking around the edges at times. This is a reminder to myself to be aware that the temptation is there and getting stronger, but porn won't help.