Recent content by Emerald Blue

  1. E

    Podcast: Your Relationship Is Not Your Recovery

    Porn Free Radio episode 144 Your Relationship Is Not Your Recovery Also available on iTunes and Apple podcast app This is a podcast for porn addicts in recovery...
  2. E

    Video on Gaslighting

    This is a talk by a woman who experienced gaslighting in childhood from her mother. It?s still worth watching. It?s only 12 minutes long.
  3. E

    Body image as experienced by partners of porn addicts: how is it for you?

    This issue is a recurring one I read of/hear about over and over. I've only ever read of one account where a partner stated that her husband's porn addiction had no impact on her self esteem in this respect, but that's not usually the case. We're also supposed to be reassured by the old "it's...
  4. E

    Is my partner an addict? Questionnaire from Paula Hall's book for partners

    To assess whether your partner is a porn/sex addict, Paula Hall, author of Sex Addiction: The Partner's Perspective, suggests that your partner answers the following questions.  If your partner can answer yes to five or more of these questions, he may well have an addiction to porn or sex. 1...
  5. E

    The Mindful Habit: partner interview This is the interview with Alison, ex partner of a sex/porn addict who is launching her radio show Butterfly Nation this weekend. I'm always wary of speaking of sex addiction as being the same as porn addiction, because they're usually not. As I understand it, the...
  6. E

    Podcast: Porn Free Radio ep. 111 This episode deals with a few of the myths that partners sometimes get caught up in. As I understand it, Porn Free Radio is a faith-based project but you don't need to share their faith to listen, and I wasn't aware...
  7. E

    Article: an interesting take on how pornography affects relationships An interesting article, a little bit different from the usual take on porn's toxic influences on relationships, and the partners of porn users in particular.
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    Live call-in show for partners The first show is on 5 August at 3pm Eastern Central Time. I discovered this through listening to an interview with Alison, an ex partner of a sex addict, on the most recent podcast at The Mindful Habit, which is a resource for porn and sex...
  9. E

    The 13 Dimensions of Sex Addiction Induced Trauma This article, although a bit academic and jargon-y, is actually very good at describing the various facets that we as partners will experience...
  10. E

    Article: Labiaplasty "to look better in yoga pants" What a disturbing trend. So much of this crap is direct influence of porn on women's lives. So now we have to pretend that we don't have a vagina? These...
  11. E

    Porn addiction and sex addiction

    I believe that porn addiction is at one end of the spectrum of behaviours which could be described as "sex addiction" behaviours. I don't believe that all porn addicts are a sex addicts though. I do actually believe that porn addiction can bring to the fore and underlying vulnerability to sex...
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    This just dawned on me today. We have all heard that our partners porn addiction was not a judgement on us. We are told "it's not personal". Eventually we reach an understanding that it's not about us. But how often have we heard, and been told, "you weren't available". Even when I found porno...
  13. E

    Does it make your skin crawl?

    One of the most distasteful aspects of my husband's porn use was the age of the women he objectified and masturbated to. Even the porn subs were women who were over 30 years younger. It creeps me out. Even when watching TV, the actresses he starts salivating over or if we're in a coffee shop or...
  14. E

    Porn betrayal v. real life infidelity

    I know we all have different ways of experiencing the betrayal from our partner's porn use. Some say it's an infidelity and others say it's not exactly a true infidelity, but it's still a betrayal and it still hurts. I saw it as "infidelity lite" I suppose, not because it doesn't hurt (it does)...
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    Happy Holidays

    Wishing everyone a happy festive season X