The Best Strategy (No Willpower)


New Member
Willpower doesn't work. This is why you fail, even after impressive streaks. I have discovered a method that works very well.

The Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn is a rewrite of Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Stop Smoking, and describes itself as a way to "Painlessly quit porn immediately, without willpower or any sense of deprivation or sacrifice."

The book claims to enable porn users to quit without experiencing withdrawal symptoms or following porn "diets." The Easy Peasy Method, in contrast to popular NoFap methods, states that one should not count days or use willpower to quit. The book, like Allen Carr's Book, proposes a method for deconstructing the 'brainwashing' that users encounter. The brainwashing is described as users' misconceptions about pornography, such as the belief that they can quit at any time or that they can use a 'porn diet,' which involves only using pornography every x days. Easy Peasy defines a "moment of revelation" as a time when the user no longer desires to watch pornography.

The book has been very effective; much more than the methods on r/NoFap or

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Respected Member
I've read it and has helped me only a little. It doesn't give you an actual plan to follow and for me those kind of "working your mentality to help you quit porn" has never worked. I mean, the mentality is important, no doubt, but relying only on this hasn't been working for me so far. I need concrete steps to do, habits, methods to use. But it's just me. Whoever can quit porn only by reading that, cheers bro. I've heard people quit porn after reading it, that's great. It just didn't work for me. But that doesn't mean people shouldn't read it and try to make it work.