36, PIED, new plan


Well-Known Member
2 days. Just when i was trying to establish a consistent routine, my work went insane lol. Gonna be 12-15 hour days + weekends for next week.

On the bright side when would I have time for PMO? lol.


Active Member
The making the bed thing is interesting aye, it all comes back to selfcare and pride in one’s surroundings.
Well done on your achievements this year.


Well-Known Member
I woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday night and my brain was like halfway on. I pulled up some P on my phone and started to M for like 2 minutes and then set it down. But I'm not making any excuses, I reset my counter. Better to have a small number that holds me accountable than a big one I reach just by shifting the goalposts. At least for me.

Monday was great. 1 day.

The waking up in the middle of the night and going on a sort of autopilot has been one of my major roadblocks historically, though it's been a while. It tends to pop up more when I am starting to make progress with my brain again. It feels like my addiction trying to fight back when it shows up. It won this round, I just need to win the next one.

I'm going to start sleeping with my phone off and in the other room again, so I have to make the conscious decision to go get it and turn it on. No autopilot excuses.


Well-Known Member
2 days. Slept with my phone in the other room like I told myself I would, and am gonna do that going forward.

Work is nuts so I have basically no schedule right now. Worked till 2:30 AM last night, likely a repeat tonight. Should get very chill starting Saturday, so looking forward to rebuilding my routine.


Well-Known Member
3 days. Worked till 4 am haha. But the bad part is actually over. Won't be super chill today or tomorrow, but nothing like the last few days.

If I'm lucky I can get to bed at a reasonable hour and start my schedule back up tomorrow. But we'll see.

Slept with my phone in another room again. Gonna report on that until it becomes a solidified habit again.


Well-Known Member
Friday I was exhausted from the insane work week. I tried to work on several productive activities in the evening but my brain felt completely dead and incapable of focusing on any of it. Eventually I pulled up some "soft" P for a couple minutes. I reset my counter. It's frustrating to have slipped up again so soon. But the weekend was fine, caught up on sleep, and I am back to a normal week and reestablishing my schedule.

2 days. Slept with my phone in another room, made my bed. This week I am getting back to my routine. One day in.