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  • This is the going to be my first time in this website. I am going to start my reboot from today and would like to share my experiences with you all. I believe I have P.E and have taken this step to cure this. If you have guys any tips, please do let me know.
    Light fetnos
    My tips
    Get ur self a cat/pigeon, keep him with u, this way u not *alone* anymore, and therefor less triggering
    Block access to porn on phone(there is a thread on my profile on how to do that).
    Know about withdrawals,they gonna hit u
    Yes brother, thanks for the tips.
    I have blocked all possible sites and have started working out. Going in strong
    Light fetnos
    There will be good days and bad ones, but stay strong and do not panic when the horrible ones come, just hold on to it, don't break, keep ur eyes at the end at the end of the tunnel
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