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  1. S

    Started so young, recovery possible?

    I thought of myself as a hopeless case. Started watching porn over half my life ago, noticed first signs of PIED at 17 and didn't properly lose my virginity before this year. I'm 32 and started this process late summer this year. Addiction is tough as fuck getting rid of, but set goals and stick...
  2. S

    New symptoms

    Hope you're feeling better @Scorpio1990
  3. S

    Was addicted to porn and now rebooting

    Welcome @programmer. Quitting porn is one of the better decisions you can make for yourself. Going through the process myself as we speak. Stay strong.
  4. S

    Important ED question

    Have you always struggled with your gf? Can it be nerves you're not getting rid of? Do you watch P? Even if it's not on a regular basis and only now and then it can still make an impact. Abstain from watching it, preferably for life.
  5. S

    23, virgin, erection problem

    It really suck that the problem comes forth at the worst of timings. This problem usually does. Abstain from P, preferably for the rest of your life. Stay strong.
  6. S

    Second chances

    Welcome to the forum @Vanier97. Quitting porn is a great decision. If you're experiencing any form of PIED please don't get distraught if it takes longer than you expect to get back to normal. It's a non-linear process and not one case is the same. I advise you to read up on the process and read...
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    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Back for another small update. Just finished this school terms exams and caught covid just in time for christmas - impeccable timing. Not the happiest of updates this time. Started planning a trip to Thailand with some buddies a couple weeks ago, and since boys will be boys we looked into the...
  8. S

    Please 🥺 someone should answer me because I feel like killing myself.

    It will come back. How long it will take no one can say but it will. My first sexual encounter after I started this I couldn't feel anything at all. On my last one now I did feel some sensation, even though it's faar from optimal. Stop touching your dick and give it time.
  9. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Small update on my progress incoming. Had a doll over that stayed the night last night. Drank a lot of wine, sat up and spoke about heaven and hell and didn't go to bed until 7 in the morning. I was semi hard half the night by just being close to her. Had a 'good enough' erection for sex before...
  10. S

    Who has successfully rebooted with sex?

    Hi buddy. Came on today to get some clarification about exactly this myself. Had a doll over last night, that stayed over, and I decided to get an O for for the first time in god knows how long.. Ended up having 3 of them, and I am now worried about the aftermath of basically draining the sacks...
  11. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Have been focusing on school lately so have kinda forgot checking in here. Just a small update coming. I think I'm at around 90 days now, my memory got horrible during the flatline and still is a bit bad. No urge to watch P. Some urges to M. Been back and forth whether to O the next time I...
  12. S

    Joint pain?

    Had alot of joint pain and muscle aches for about 5-6 weeks after quitting. About back to normal now
  13. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Libido through the roof right now, and have been the last 24h. Constantly catching myself day dreaming f'in this girl again. Feels good to have some Sdrive again, but not sure if this much is normal. Assume it's gonna flat out to "normal" drive after a while.
  14. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Hung out with a girl I know fancy me a bit last night. Got a bit drunk from the 3 bottles of wine we drank. She have known for a while that I have been going through something, so I opened up about it to her, telling her of both my struggles with PIED and depression. She was very understanding...
  15. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    I haven't no, I am however considering a psychologist at the moment. Mostly for dealing with my depression since it's been quite bad the past few weeks now. I have opened up about my problems to two friends, which both thankfully took it very well and is encouraging me to get through this.
  16. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Thank you. I will hopefully get them in my every day routine, currently only done it every other day
  17. S

    What's the longest flatline you've experienced?

    Can I ask what supplements you took that the doc was displeased with? Currently only taking omega3 and multivitamin for neutritiongap fill, but I’m curious about some bloodflow supps..
  18. S

    First PIED sign 15 year ago, depression making this hard.

    Felt less of the brain fog the last couple of days. Still absolutely no urges to relapse. Had some issues with fantasizing when waking up before the alarm goes off with the usual MW. Instead of the groggy lazy morning brain, it is like it goes straight into overdrive when I wake up, with 10...
  19. S

    Has anyone else experienced this

    Hi @DRSAM. Keep abstaining from P, just forget about it and never look back. I'm not a success myself as I've recently started, but I've read enough of those stories that I'm under the impression that we'll all get there in the end. Inform yourself on hows and whys about brain and addiction...
  20. S

    Beginning the journey

    Don't let the guilt and shame destroy you my friend. I haven't had a long term relationship since I was 18, I'm now 32, and missed out on the 'golden 20s' because of my crippling anxiety of intimacy. I fucking hate it, but I've come to peace with the fact that it cannot be undone. I have to look...