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  1. G

    15 years flatline, depression, anxiety is defeated!

    Hardmode means?? How u practised??
  2. G

    Almost a 2 year journey, from no porn -> no jerking off -> no fantasizing

    How u practised?? Complete no pmo?? Not even sex with ur wife during that whole period ?? And how much u took for complete recovery? am in complete no pmo even no single sex with my wife since last 6 months,but still not dat much improved. yesterday tried for sex ,failed
  3. G

    Almost a 2 year journey, from no porn -> no jerking off -> no fantasizing

    How much time it takes u for full recovery?? During ur reboot period u did nt participate in sex
  4. G

    NO pmo and even no sex with wife also, if we can perform after 2wks needed to complete recovery??plz suggest anyone.. 33 yrs male, rebooting started 1 yr back.every time after one month of NO pmo,am able to perform sex with my wife,BUT after that one encounter,am going to zero libido state and and taking very long refractory period . again am starting next cycle of NO dis am continuing...
  5. G

    Six months - finally feeling like a new man

    TQ.i started my rebooting 1 yr back. after 1 month of NO PMO,am able to do sex with my wife,but after each intercourse am going to flat line and long refractory period.again am starting NO PMO.this cycle is happening since last 1 year. please give suggestions to better and permanant results.i...
  6. G

    Six months - finally feeling like a new man

    Can we participate in sex with wife if we able to do during rebooting??? Or complete avoidance of PMO and sex?? Plz clarify anyone