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  1. C

    I am well on my way to healing

    I have a feeling that only those "who made the 90" has the "right to post here". I am on day 60 - but I am pretty confident that I will success - not only to the 90, but far beyond that. I still find it "weird" to believe that I will NEVER take a brief peak again ever in my life. I don't need...
  2. C

    Good morning

    TakeAction. Great video, thxs a lot. It explains a lot of things. Today is day 14. Two weeks! So far no cravings today - but I have been busy at work, so I have have not had any time to think much about relapsing. I am a musician and I spend much of my time on my own, practicing and preparing...
  3. C

    Good morning

    Day 13 Yesterday was HELL, but I managed to stay on the path. Obiously, I DO want to get out of this addiction. Otherwise I would not be here on RebootNation, I would not have put blockers on all my internet-devices and I would not be re-readig YBOP, as I am currently doing. But yesterday. I...
  4. C

    Good morning

    Day 12 Pretty bad cravings this morning. I am quite certain, that I would totally relapse if I could. Headache, tired, no motivation, I just wanne do THAT. I have installed blockers on all my devices, so it's not really possible. And even though I'm quite good at bypassing that sort of things...
  5. C

    Good morning

    Day 11. Know your triggers, and be prepared for them. Yesterday something happened at work that changed my plans for today quite a bit. I now have the possibilty to stay home until about 2 pm. That unexpected situation was a huge trigger: Wauvvv. Tomorrow morning is all free in my schedule - I...
  6. C

    Good morning

    TakeA -> I like the picture of the whirlpool, thank you :) Today is day 10. Yesterday, I DID have cravings but not nearly as bad. I think today will be pretty good. If you could do whatever you want, be whoever you want, have whatever you want, what would you choose? Would you choose to sit...
  7. C

    Good morning

    TakAction -> You are absolutely right. Unfortunately, your words are only true for those who can stand the cravings. Sunday and Monday were so bad, speaking of cravings. I actually ended up MO in shower Sunday afternoon. Not too proud about it, but not too worried either... But dumb it was, as...
  8. C

    Good morning

    Thank you, Androg. good morning. This is day 7 I am quite proud of myself: I did NOT relapse yesterday, but damn.... it was a tough day. Cravings keep hunting me this morning. But I think today will be easier. My family will be around in the house... I am a musician, and I do spend A LOT of...
  9. C

    Good morning

    Today is day 6 Last night I went to the theater with wife. I had so bad cravings while we watched the play... We had s... when we came home at night. This morning started much better. But then out the blue wife decided to go for a LONG walk (like 7 hours), while I had to work for maybe two...
  10. C

    Good morning

    TakeAction and Androg: Thanks a lot for your contributions. Today is day 5. We are only as sick as our secrets.
  11. C

    Good morning

    TakeActionNow -> thanks a lot for your reply. I appreciate it. And yes, I try all the best I can. This is Day 4. Yesterday was quite tough.... I spent the whole day with my family - but my thougts were on relapsing. I did not... At night I and wife had s... that would not have been possible if...
  12. C

    Good morning

    Day 3. When in doubt - ask yourself this question: Are you suffering? Why are you here at this forum?
  13. C

    Good morning

    Androg: Thank you :) This is Day Two This week, I will be all right. I work a lot from home. So children off to school and wife off to work, go figure... Anyway, oldest daughter is on winter-vacation this week - so she's home a lot of the time. Cravings are toughest when I actually have the...
  14. C

    Good morning

    This is Day One. Staying clean is common sense. Cravings has the power to overrule common sense. Peace.
  15. C

    BLOCK content on iPad / iPhone

    Hello gentlemen. If you have activated "Filter adult contents" in "screen time" on your iOS-device and it WORKS for you then please DO NOT read this post. But if you know how to bypass the Screen time settings - even if protected with a 4-digit code, then this post may help you. You see, for...
  16. C

    Is playing ?hearts? with my family bad?????

    Hi. I just had an expericence, that made me wonder..... I am on day 16 in what I consider to be my last reboot ever. I know from previous attempts that if I?d relapse right now, my muscles would tremble and shake at the moment I fired up the incognito web-browser.... I?ve been there, done...
  17. C

    How to find a member?s ?personal journal?

    I spend some time looking around in other member?s journals. I guess that?s the reason with this forum, anyway! Quite often I read a reply in a journal, and I think: Wov, that was an interesting reply, I?d really like to know more about the person who wrote that reply. I might learn something...
  18. C

    I am addicted to webcam-chat

    Hello Everybody. I am 40 - and I am part of the usual timeline: Magazines, VHS, slowspeed internet, highspeed-internet. All normal, I guess. But in one point I am very far from normal: I met my wife, when we were 16 and 17 years old. We've been together for 23 years. That means that I have...