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  1. R

    I'm back, after a year of bingeing

    So it looks like I've been away from this site for 325 days.  That means it has been at least that long since I gave up on my reboot and went back to daily PMO.  Some days I would PMO multiple times in a day.  I would often take a day or two off.  Every time, just like this time, I would tell...
  2. R

    I went so long...and then, binge relapsed.

    I am indeed an addict.  I did my 90 day reboot.  Then I even went a few months more.  But then, as everyone said could happen, including myself, increasing use of porn subs to get a little kick of dopamine over a few months led to a complete relapse.  I didn't just MO, I PMOed.  I didn't just...
  3. R

    I f**king can't stand condoms

    So, my girlfriend and I have started having sex.  This is something that we took our time with a lot (at least in my experience) since she was a virgin and I was doing my reboot and so there wasn't much reason to get right into it. Although my porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) has become...
  4. R

    Tracking Your Progress

    How do I add multiple counters?  For example, I want one for how long it's been since I looked at P, one for P subs, one for O, etc. I tried to do this but then it said I could only have a certain number of characters in my signature field for it to work properly, yet I see many people with...
  5. R

    Porn saturated world

    Hey so since I stopped PMOing, the biggest change has been that I am now realising how utterly saturated our society has become with images that objectify women.  Not only this, but with every day that goes by it seems that cravings to look at porn subs get stronger and harder to control.  And...
  6. R

    20+ Days in. Here come the urges and slight depression

    Hey everyone.  More or less just want to let you guys in on how things are going.  I'm about 20 days in to my reboot and things are going relatively well.  Up until now I found it very easy to delete all my porn and feel optimistic about start on a new path.  I'm feeling pretty healthy, eating...
  7. R

    When do you know when you are recovered?

    It seems like everyone takes drastically different amounts of time to recover.  The thing is, how does one know when they are recovered?  Is it just the fact of being able to get hard for a woman?  Because I can already do that, but I highly doubt that means that after 2 weeks that I have...
  8. R

    Sexual stimulation with a real woman, no orgasm. Healthy?

    Hey everyone, Starting into the third week of my reboot now.  No porn, no porn substitutes, and I barely ever even touch my penis.  I'm super optimistic although I'm still dreading the flatline.  My penis and my whole reproduction/hormonal system seems to already be going through drastic...
  9. R

    HELP! Rebooting in Korea with a Korean girlfriend

    Hi friends!  I hope this is the right forum for this.  *Warning*  I?m really hoping you can offer some advice but I will need to go into some sexual details to properly explain the situation,  Also, this post is extremely long.  SORRY! Reboot newbie, 4 days.  Background info on my particular...