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  1. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 63 today! I've been trying to get back to the daily posting but my world is a whirlwind right now lol not bad just busy what the heck lol
  2. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 56 Today! Had a nice intimate connection with the wife last night so far second time across the 56 days of no P and those two night have been the only time i allow completion. So far i think the cadence is working (its not scripted) but i am trying to have a decent amount of time in between...
  3. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 51 Today! I hope everyone is having a great Porn Free Week! You can do this, you can, DO THIS!!!!!!!
  4. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Thank you Blondie! I shall not be stopped this time!!! Day 49 Today
  5. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 47 today! He'll week over at work. Onwards to family time and continued basement renovations
  6. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Thank you good sir!!!! Day 44 Today! Doing well super busy, Hope everyone is keeping it Porn Free!
  7. CloseToToast

    Porn is not an option

    Great continued diligence Blondie! Keep it going!
  8. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 36 no P/M Back day at the gym felt awesome this morning, for some reason the barbell rows were like yessssss this is why you exist haha
  9. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 33, 34 & 35 no P/M Weight - 288.6 Body Fat - 38.6% I am not going to continue the daily weigh ins because the numbers are acting very strange day to day versus what I am eating over the last 6 days so its hard to determine effectiveness of my plan vs random biological happenings. Examples...
  10. CloseToToast

    Finally posting

    Hey Dungalef, 3 days is still 3 days free and a little more healing than 3 day zeroes in a row! Good goal of hitting Day 6 next. I hope you keep it going because as an example of my own journey i have probably about a year of 5 day runs, 10 day runs, 3 day runs, 20 day runs etc over and over...
  11. CloseToToast

    Porn is not an option

  12. CloseToToast

    Finally posting

    Grats on Day 2, way to go on restarting! Keep it going!
  13. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 28 no P/M Weight - 288.0 Body Fat - 38.5% I am thankful that this go around its easier to close out or turn away from Trigger Material, its so rampant its insane... Almost 30 days excited to surpass checkpoint 1 again on the no Porn front! Staying vigilant & disciplined. Been really...
  14. CloseToToast

    The dark places will always be present, but don’t let that keep you from looking for the light

    Day 26 & 27 no P/M Weight - 287.8 Body Fat - 38.4%
  15. CloseToToast

    The Porn Takeoff

    Hey Takeoff, glad to see you back! 89% of the days being clean is a seriously fantastic data point. Great efforts!!!