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  1. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Thank you, @Blondie. Yes, you understood it correctly. Yes, that's about it... and it makes sense how we can still be so duplicitous when in the 'red-zone' or even the orange, when the neural chemicals are still at play. But I want to make this point, that these color codes really apply to...
  2. Phineas 808

    Porn is not an option

    Great job in abstaining and making real change happen, Blondie! You continue to be an inspiration to all.
  3. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Back in the older journal, I had color coded the amounts of days to represent spans of time where the habit or addiction could still be sensitized, and to represent coming into more safer territory (desensitization). This can encourage vigilance without being 'hyper-vigilant', and to build...
  4. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    I held fast to my principles when pressed, despite the proximity of sensitized pathways. One has to be true to themselves, even if in appearance it may be otherwise. If a lie protects the whole, but a truth undermines it, which do we choose?
  5. Phineas 808

    Escape and never come back

    Thanks, Escape! It's more often my experience that, even just a day- next day- or a few days out that I feel normal enough to say, "I don't have a problem." And for all accounts and purposes, it's true. I might have habituated cravings that come up, whether or not those are acted out on, but...
  6. Phineas 808

    Escape Velocity - Orbiters Journal

    I appreciate the 'dark passenger' reference from Dexter, and have used that in regards to my own experience, lol... My thinking, in terms of regaining valuable momentum, is to think on recent streaks, 11 days, 8 days (?), and think on what was your mindset as you made advances. Otherwise, good...
  7. Phineas 808

    Escape and never come back

    That's a very important point for all of us to deeply understand, that, I am not my addiction! This is still true whether one has a bad habit with it, or is addicted to it. It was important for me early on to understand that this issue was just one part of my life, and doesn't fundamentally...
  8. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Thank you, @GBS!
  9. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Yes, @Blondie, and that's really the main point. The sub-conscious mind (if not the conscious), finds some kind of good in the unwanted behaviors, and so that's why it continues to survive. A true 'porn is not an option' mindset is to see that there's no good in porn to begin with. It's only an...
  10. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Changing the Desire for Unwanted Behaviors The thinking is this: Despite conscious choices and an intent to quit, the sub-conscious mind continues on in it's beliefs and delusions. Hence, there's an ongoing cognitive dissonance and potential duplicity concerning unwanted behaviors. Feelings...
  11. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    Cognizant Dissonance The unconscious mind is not logical; it’s all about feelings. It is the source of love, desire, fear, jealousy, sadness, joy, anger, and more. The unconscious mind drives your emotions and desires. When you make a conscious decision to quit or cut back on alcohol, your...
  12. Phineas 808

    Another story - probably the same as everyone else

    This made me think of a weather forecast, lol...! Have a good day.
  13. Phineas 808

    quit for good

    I appreciate where you're coming from, Joe. But we're not here to solve the world's problems or a societal crisis, we're here to solve our own problems that are brought about through porn. You had a good post above (from January 3rd) that I thought would be a good exit and "Success Stories"...
  14. Phineas 808

    Another story - probably the same as everyone else

    I agree with Percival, GBS! Sorry that your rewards aren't always what you want, but you're rewarded all the same!
  15. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    To seek a deeper understanding and awareness of oneself, curiosity needs to be a driving force. Like, what is it about our family relationships, say between a father and a daughter, that causes such pain that one is left seeking self-medication? As in all habits and addictions, there are all...
  16. Phineas 808

    Escape Velocity - Orbiters Journal

    This is a good opportunity to explore for yourself the deeper issues at play. Yes, habits played a major role, but the conversations with your sister cued you emotionally, which the easy solution within reach was your more familiar habit-patterns. Good on you for getting up and going forward...
  17. Phineas 808

    The Alchemy of Effortless Change

    3.18 To sit with your emotions is better than turning to the maladaptive behaviors of P, PMO or MO. If need be, change your emotional states if sitting with them is unproductive or needless suffering. To sit with one's emotions, rather than running to the 'baby bottle' of masturbation, or the...
  18. Phineas 808

    Escape and never come back

    Exactly. If we think of our urges as mere thought, gritting our teeth and trying to resist is simply fighting thought with more thought, which only strengthens the urge. If we can ignore, distract, or dismiss the urges, then that's what will get us through them.
  19. Phineas 808

    Escape and never come back

    My above comments ^ take practice. Just be patient and non-judgmental. Congrats on the 8 days, Escape! Now, go for 9 days.
  20. Phineas 808

    The clean journey

    No. To win, you have to never give up- no matter how many times it takes. Losing a battle doesn't mean you lose the war.