Search results

  1. M

    Rape and types of porn viewed

    I thought I had read somewhere that if you were sexually abused, had trauma surrounding sex or were raped that that could affect what types of porn you view.  As a woman who has been raped, I have found that I have gotten to watching non consensual looking videos even tho I will not watch any...
  2. M

    How to distract yourself when you are tempted?

    Looking for ideas in how to distract myself when I am tempted.  Tried reading certain bible versus, playing video game, and staying away from electronic devices.  Feeling like I need more ideas for nights when it is worse. 
  3. M

    Triggers, some unknown

    New here. I have told myself so many times that I would stop, but finding it difficult to. Trying to figure out my triggers. Some are easy, like seeing an ad for a game that is erotic and gets me wanting to look up porn or masturbate (which 90% of the time leads to porn). Other times I have...
  4. M

    Rebooting when you have other addictions

    So for me, porn is by far my worst addicition. It affects me the worst. It makes me feel the worst. It is the one I am most ashamed of. But I am also dealing with some other addictions (video games, internet and possibly a slight problem with food). So, how do I go about handling the porn...