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  1. S

    A victory

    Do you think you can ever move on and forgive? I thought I could but I don't think I can. Always just feels like I'm living on borrowed time
  2. S

    A victory

    I have been unable to get over it and still carry the pain inside. It doesn't define me but I feel it there
  3. S

    Here we go again

    Found my way back here after 2.5 years. Tomorrow I have to confront my husband about his secret relapse. I think it's been going on months I've just ignored the signs. Still broken over last time. Not sure I have the strength to continue through this again. But I have a beautiful 2 year old...
  4. S

    I need help. Please read and reply if you are able.

    I know you wrote this months ago but if you ever find your way back here I want you to know you are not alone. My heart ached reading your post. Every single word hurt my heart. It hurt for me. It hurt for you. And it hurt for anyone who has ever felt like this. We do not deserve this.
  5. S

    A victory

    I don't think the pain and the hurt ever leaves us. In one moment we are thrown right back to the start and it all begins again
  6. S

    Wife to husband who is an overactive looker

    I found this forum by accident and I'm hoping it can help me and my husband. 5 years ago my husband was addicted to porn and spent hours a day searching and looking at women online through every possible forum you can think of. It nearly ruined us as it got so bad we split up (he spent hours a...