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  1. Billy T. Kidd

    Journey Timeline

    One week and you have not gouged your eyes out or gnawed your fingers off. I think congrats is in order. Much love. William.
  2. Billy T. Kidd

    Need some advice

    No one talks an addict into quitting unless it is the addict themselves. The guy you describe is ignorant, which means, literally, without knowledge. You could try to give him knowledge, but it probably would not go anyplace. The guy may not be an addict. He may not want to stop because he...
  3. Billy T. Kidd

    What are your strategies

    1) Recognize you have the problem. It cannot be fixed if it is not recognized as a problem. "I am addicted to porn." Pretty harsh thought, and arguably not technically correct, but think it. Look yourself in the mirror and say it. Define the problem. Define the solution, which is...
  4. Billy T. Kidd

    Porn blocker/Filters

    I used K9 porn blocker when I was quitting. It will not fix you, but it works, when you understand it, as a reminder not to look for P, which is so easy to do. It won't stop you from getting to P if you are determined, but it works as an effective reminder that you are training your brain to...
  5. Billy T. Kidd

    From Day 179 back to 0

    @OP. It is important to understand that you may reset in days, but, really, you have made great progress. You are not going back to the day before you quit. You are going back to the day before you slipped. Those two guys don't look like each other.
  6. Billy T. Kidd

    Sexuality and porn

    No prob bro. Gabe knows all this, and he will answer if you ask.
  7. Billy T. Kidd

    Sexuality and porn

    A couple of points: Sex is not porn, porn is not sex. This forum is a porn addiction forum, so most of the information is porn focused. To answer the question, in the context of porn, not only can it happen, it happens regularly. This has to do with the cycle of sensitization...
  8. Billy T. Kidd

    I wanna talk about my problem

    Hi. Once a week I send out about 10 private messages to newbies. Though not especially religious, I call it "sending out prayers." The purpose of this message is to give you a bit of help starting. I wish someone had sent me this message when I was first starting; it would have made things...
  9. Billy T. Kidd

    This man changed your life, whether you know it or not

    Today. Gary showed us the way out. Before him I thought I had a problem with porn. After him, I knew I had to have a long and difficult conversation with my brain. Anyone here thinks they are addicted to are not. You are addicted to addiction. Take a moment to know yourself...
  10. Billy T. Kidd

    Hello Gentlemen. Now we begin.

    I am here and there brother. It is OK. You will be just fine. There is nothing here that cannot be fixed. It's just time and effort. That has to be known going in, going forward. Time and effort. Easy is out there ahead of you. You need to put the time in. Fixing it takes time and...
  11. Billy T. Kidd

    Day 47, why does everything still suck so bad

    There is no hard science that sets how long it takes to want it less than to want it more, but, many people say at around 90 days your brain starts to bend back to pre porn normal. Having quit many years ago, I can assure you that there is a "tipping point" out there where you wake up one day...
  12. Billy T. Kidd

    Is M ill-advised for a reboot?

    M during the reboot is very unhelpful. Anything during the reboot that give you a dopamine high is unhelpful. It cannot be completely avoided--a dopamine high I mean, M can be completely avoided--but you must seek to avoid it until rebooted. Get clean first, then after the reboot, see what...
  13. Billy T. Kidd

    49 days without PMO, but yesterday sex with my girlfriend

    Excellent, Excellent, Excellent. Put on a happy face. Get rid of that sad one. You are moving in the right and correct direction. Look, PMOing is a means to a neuropsycholigical end, a dopamine high. Getting that high, pursuing it, can become what some call addictive. That addiction can...
  14. Billy T. Kidd

    Do not go gentle into that goodnight!

    You are going to be OK. The problem is a very small, easily understood, brain issue. Human brains have evolved--if you prefer to say God made them this way, that is OK as well--to instinctually want two things, whether we want them or not: sex and food. We share that want with all mammals...
  15. Billy T. Kidd

    Hello Gentlemen. Now we begin.

    Much love to all.