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  1. submissivetoGod

    ZERO DAY/2 - does a fall after many days of hardmode compromise the recovery?

    If many ask, I have my answer that it is not universal: after having built 123 days of total PMO stop, I feel that I just have to start over, I have no sense of guilt or shame, I have no PIED problems, I do not have them never actually had, I didn't feel drained. So I feel that my 123 day...
  2. submissivetoGod

    ZERO DAY - new fall...

    I start again from this fall which occurred after 123 days of PMO stop. Why did it happen? Excess of opioid drugs to calm the pain of degenerative arthritis. My inhibitions have collapsed under the pressure of drugs. For now I can not do without these drugs, it will be a tough battle. With a...
  3. submissivetoGod

    122 DAY - I'm not cured, I'm just abstinent

    The most common mistake is to believe that after years, decades of PMO, it is enough to do a couple of rewiring of 90 days to be said to be cured of PIED and then, within a few months, if not weeks, if not days, as evidenced in many here on reebootnation, fall back into PMO. Today more than...
  4. submissivetoGod

    116 Day - I had a transex dream

    Stai sempre attento. Chi avrebbe mai pensato, dopo 116 giorni di totale astinenza da PMO, che avrei fatto un sogno trans vivido ed emozionante? Le sinapsi sono sempre lì, strade dove un tempo passavano le droghe, la dopamina esagerata, che oggi cercano il loro traffico stimolando la mia...
  5. submissivetoGod

    DAY 113 - Porn has become ridiculous to me

    Aspettavo che accadesse ed è successo. Oggi ho pensato a come fossi schiavo del porno, dei video fake, inventati solo per agganciare le mie sinapsi in una spirale continua. Falso, in effetti! Irreale! E non essendo reale, ero intrappolato come i personaggi nella grotta di Platone che si...
  6. submissivetoGod


    These days I am experiencing a tragedy: I saw my woman fall and violently bang her face against a stone and I could not intervene because she was three meters below me, in a descent in the mountains. I saved her crying, for a moment she stood still ... I thought I'd lose her forever. Luckily it...
  7. submissivetoGod

    101 Day - Gratification effect

    In my case, the urges to get back on the terrible path of PMO, now beyond 90 days of rewiring, simply mean that my brain is asking for a reward for the success achieved. It is a subtle trap, very dangerous. Be careful.
  8. submissivetoGod

    Day 97 - Sudden storm of porn images from the brain

    I have been in wood morning for a few days. My woman and I have been in karezza and other harder situations. I no longer have PIED problems, no desire to review trans sexual images that I still felt between 40 and 50 days of PMO stop. Erection is returning with simple kisses, which are much more...
  9. submissivetoGod

    Day 96: Talking about his sexual fantasies to my woman.

    I finally managed to talk about my sexual fantasies to my woman. For health reasons, she cannot receive penetration at the moment, but she is happy to share new experiences of Karezza even thrusts. The sensation was strong, I had a very hard wood only imagining with her moving physical...
  10. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    Caro Plugger, ti ho detto che la linea piatta non deve essere disturbata artificialmente. Se torni, è un segno molto positivo, perché significa che non sei guarito a un livello di dopamina profondo. Niente di strano, niente di terribile. Il processo naturale è variabile nella durata ma non può...
  11. submissivetoGod

    90 DAY completed!!! What has changed?

    Today is 90 days of hardmode. I am still flatline, but with karezza I have no problems with PIED or desire. Only the morning wood struggles to return, but it is a good sign. On the other hand, from 12 to 49 years, so 13505 days, I held an average of 1 M per day, and for at least 9000 days I...
  12. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    Dear Plugger, you are lucky with your girlfriend. The hormonal discharge effect of Cialis lasts up to 36H. Difficult to evaluate a Flatline exit. The flatline is a zone of regeneration, not of damage and should not be artificially disturbed at least this is the theory behind the reboot which is...
  13. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    quindi non sa nulla della tua dipendenza da PMO?
  14. submissivetoGod

    Believe You Can and You're Halfway There

    Caro Mr. Red Pill, ho avuto una ricaduta quando: 1) ero solo in casa 2) Depresso 3) Incapace di affrontare le dure sfide della vita; lavoro, sentimenti, salute, famiglia 4) Incapace di essere consapevole di essere un tossicodipendente 5) Incapace di assumersi la piena responsabilità della mia...
  15. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    Dear Plugger, why do you still use Cialis? Have you tried Karezza with your girlfriend? And if she's not there, I understand the sexual urgency or attempts to ascertain erectile function, but you'd better wait for the natural end of the long flatline (DAY 84) without despair. I am close to you...
  16. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    Dear Plugger, Even as I progress into my second 90day harmode strip (I'm at 83 days), I consider each day to be ZERO. You are doing well. I am with you on this journey until the end of our days on Earth.
  17. submissivetoGod

    DAY 80... I'm home alone and don't feel like PMO

    Prima, non appena ero solo, mi sono sbiadito male e mi sono nascosto come un insetto nei buchi del muro. Oggi, per la prima volta, non sento il bisogno di mentire a me stesso e alle persone che amo e che vivo con me. Questa casa è il tempio della rinascita del mio nuovo io, la rispetterò senza...
  18. submissivetoGod

    I am going to end 14 years long hidden nightmare

    Dear Plugger, I have read your diary: simply let go of your body, let it go. Intimate contacts with your girlfriend are medicine, they don't bring you back, only PMO can do it, otherwise every post on this blog would be FALSE! and it isn't, believe me. Heal with her if she knows about your...
  19. submissivetoGod

    Don't hide it, confess it! ... to your son?

    My question is legitimate, I, for example, have never confessed to my daughter, my addiction, not even to my wife. Only here, in rebootnation, did I manage to find the courage. Thanks to this community, I now feel less alone and I am taking important steps. Your answer and that of Fappy, are of...
  20. submissivetoGod

    80 day stop PMO! Postive persistence of flatlines

    Dear rebootnation friends, after my first 90 day streak completed in 2020, it is 569 days since I took over my PMO addiction, and in my 2nd 80 day streak, I am very positively evaluating the flatline. It is an indispensable help not to feel perpetually excited and I have finally become aware...