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  1. fapfreezone

    Ejaculation without Stimulation

    I haven't recovered completely. I actually started with three compulsive behaviours and I believe in quitting them sequentially. I've been over the first for over six months and i'm making headway with the second. The third is porn and I hope to tackle that soon. The standard expectation in the...
  2. fapfreezone

    Ejaculation without Stimulation

    Not orgasmic pleasure, just the same kind of pleasure you get "in the middle", for a couple minutes or so and then goes away. No ejaculation
  3. fapfreezone

    Ejaculation without Stimulation

    I've had some similar issues myself. I've had pleasure without stimulation, but not ejaculation. Strangely, with real women i'm the opposite and have inability to ejaculate. Ejaculation without stimulation due to porn is called PIPE, porn-induced premature ejaculation.
  4. fapfreezone

    Don’t know where to go from here

    There should be a hotline you can call about the depression. In the UK, it's the samaritans. I can't help you with your relationship issues, but a psychologist can, so I recommend you see one while you're still married (i.e. before it's too late).
  5. fapfreezone

    You guys want to see the real struggle I’m dealing with?

    I also have a psychiatric problem and problems relating to anxiety with socialising, so you're not incomparable to anyone because I have the same situation. In the UK, we have a disability rate of around 1 in 5 for adults. Assuming physical and mental disabilities are equally common, that's 1 in...
  6. fapfreezone

    The Difficulties of Being a Passing Aspie

    Your post is interesting to me because i've had some aspects of asperger's myself. I took the AQ and turned out not to have it, technically (though I thought the questions were too focussed on lifestyle variables and not enough on enduring characteristics). I also spent a lot of time clubbing...
  7. fapfreezone

    When Society Calls You a Prude

    Rich, I also have two compulsive behaviours. The first is food and the second, you'll not be surprised to hear, is of course porn. I reckon, from the science, that it's easier to quit whichever you think is the easiest to quit first and the other one after success with the first. The reason is...
  8. fapfreezone

    Do we have evidence from medical science that abstaining from solo sex (masturbation) for a lifetime is completely safe?

    The first thing that occurs to me is that to find out to a scientific level of proof would require several studies, including at least one lifelong study. Since rebooting is new to science, this clearly hasn't been done yet. If one started tomorrow, we'd have to wait 70 years for the results...
  9. fapfreezone

    Complicated story, opinions desirable

    I can't help you with your reboot, or with what to say to your fiance. I can tell you, though, that I think you could improve your self-esteem. You say you're good-looking and others say you're intelligent, but you don't. This is the first thing that made me think you could use help with...
  10. fapfreezone

    Shame Post

    This is my second shame post. The first one is above. Strangely, I was more bothered about the first issue than this one, despite the fact that this one is definitely, objectively, “worse”. So, this second issue is my past use of sex workers. I first found out about sex work many years back by...
  11. fapfreezone

    Shame Post

    Hello fellow rebooters. I am posting today to alleviate myself from shame. It’s well established that shame can be linked to addictions and compulsive behaviours. It’s also well established that talking to other people about your shame can help you overcome it. This is only true if you tell...
  12. fapfreezone

    P Subs on TV

    At first, I just tried quitting PMO. I wondered if allowing myself to view P now and again might ease cravings. Actually, it was a trigger to relapse. Since I had rarely PMOed to P subs, I considered they were safe and continued to watch, thinking it might allow me an outlet for my cravings...
  13. fapfreezone

    Reboot Music

    There was a thread on this a few months ago and IIRC not much of substance was suggested, so I thought I'd make a new one because I now have some useful suggestions to add and because I've just reached my goal of 30 days no PMO, so i'd like to share something that's helped me. Here's my list of...
  14. fapfreezone


    So, I've just relapsed on PMO and binging on food and I nearly relapsed on gambling but didn't so that one's still at 41 days, though it's not in my signature. I've been thinking about why I relapsed and I've also been reading British comedian and ex drug addict (ten years clean now) Russel...
  15. fapfreezone

    Gamification of nofap

    So, I would like to share with you an idea I've been trying for 200 days now that is working for me. It is, of course, the gamification of nofap. I think it helps most if you've been trying to reboot for a while and lack motivation as it mostly provides motivation. Personally, I started trying...
  16. fapfreezone

    Multiple Addictions

    Hi folks. I've been keeping an offline journal for a while, but have just decided I might as well keep an online journal. For one thing, it makes my counters more effective because I can keep updating it and people will keep seeing them. That's reason enough for me. So I'm 30, I've never had a...
  17. fapfreezone

    4 day reboot?

    So my rebooting history is this: 15 weeks ago I started considering reducing porn use but hadn't read YBOP, just read an alternative book on DE. I decided to go gradually, as I had overcome a fast food habit going gradually. So, over then next 13 weeks, I gradually tapered down the porn I used...