Your tricky mind and body during your reboot/ rewiring sessions. They will both try to trick you or just plain fuck with you in general. Like when you're dreaming you might get a dream about watching porn and all of that jazz. It might feel as if you're awake actually at the computer relapsing. Relax because you aren't actually doing anything. You'll realize that when you wake up, but take caution as to not down that path in real life due to a craving from the dream. Like the one I had last night I was dreaming I was watching tv and a porno came on. I try to turn the channel but every channel I switch to is that same channel. Dreams like these for example will make you freak out because you thought you relapsed.
No I didn't fail, just giving you some advice for the day! Stay classy my friends .
No I didn't fail, just giving you some advice for the day! Stay classy my friends .