mimicking behaviours.


Active Member
Avoid behaviors that mimic YOUR porn addiction. Which usually means behaviors that substitute the synthetic and the two-dimensional for the real deal. the thing is a read manga in my spare time and I enjoy doing it, it makes me smile and helps me get through rough times that I'm facing, but I read this article witch scared me, because I was addictive to hentai or should I say pornography based manga, I've been in recovery for 60 days and still fighting and feel that I'm doing well, but the problem is I'm still reading manga. there's no porn in it what so ever I do wonder if I'm recovering. if those are familiar with manga and know what I'm talking about could you shed some light on the subject please


Staff member
I definitely resonate with this. I think the best way to recover is begin stepping outside of comfort zones, creating new routines, trying new things, etc. Refresh the ol' brain!


Well-Known Member
Can't say I am familiar with Manga but if it gives you
lustful thoughts, then I'd avoid it if you're serious about rebooting.


It may seem strange to get advise from a girl but I would avoid it. I was addicted to hentai and now if I see manga it brings images to my head of hentai scenes I would watch. Probaly not helpful to you.


I agree, mimicking the behaviour from the PMO days can hinder your reboot.

That being said, your worry about manga is something that interests me. I've read a lot of manga, and this is not just the last few years when it got popular in the States or Europe. I'm 28, and I've been reading manga since before I was even 10. I like it enough that I really don't wish people to think that manga always linked to hentai or a porn alternative

Now an important question you should ask about manga is what is your contact like with it? It's weird, but you would be surprised how many people out there only came in contact with anime or manga because they found hentai through porn. So manga carries that tone for them.

Manga, just like any other form of printed/graphic entertainment, are works of fiction limited only by the imagination and artistic abilities of the authors. Manga is usually targeted towards young adults and teenagers, and we all know what occupies the majority of a teenager's hormone-fueled mind. That's why you'll usually find that manga will contain characters with super proportional (or rather, super un-proportional) figures, and there would be suggestive themes here and there.
But seriously, this applies to all forms of entertainment these days.

Which kinds of manga are you reading? If it's plot-less and loaded with fan service, then drop it, that's no different from the H stuff from a rebooting perspective.
I suggest going for very plot-driven material. They tend not to focus on visuals. Some good manga read like novels. But if you're not really looking to read too much, then go for a safe theme. Sports, fantasy (ones that actually focuses on the fantasy theme, not just using it as a back drop for something else), even food! I've even read manga about making sushi and ramen!

From one manga reader to another, I don't want you to feel that you should have to completely give it up. But if you find you gravitate towards suggestive material, then best look for something else.