Day 0
Wow this has been a long journey since I began everything nearly 3 years ago. So many big ups and plenty of downs too, sounds very much like life.
I have returned to this forum as it was the very first place I began my journey and the place I learnt so much about the harmful effects of porn. Since then I have learnt so much more and grown in the personal development side and now understand this process to be more so about creating something else and adding it to your life as opposed to removing something from your life, which simply leaves a deep void.
I've set my resolution or One Big Change for 2017 to be to find myself a steady and loving relationship. This is something I have never had in my 28 years on this planet to date and the area I know I have to work on. Porn has always been my long term relationship, to the point my poor brain finds it so difficult to distinguish between intimate & passionate sex in a loving relationship and porn.
Reasons why I'm committing to undertake working towards and making this change RIGHT NOW in 2017 and beyond:
[list type=decimal]
[*]The biggest thing I truly desire and want in this life is a girlfriend, a bestfriend, someone who I can love from the deepest depths of my heart, and to be able to give them the world
[*]To reclaim my manlihood and sexual energy. To be able to stand strong and proud of who I am physically, emotionally, & sexually
[*]To never have to deal with PIED ever again!
[*]To move myself forward on the path towards having my own family
[*]To be fully committed and successful in my business
[*]To reclaim my self-confidence and self-esteem
[/list]I have previously found a quote that summarises my feelings at the time of my post so will continue with that, as well as including my achievements and things to be grateful for.
Achievements: The switch in my head has flicked again to set back focused on this path. I had sex last night and know I'm capable of achieving what I need to.
3 Things I'm Grateful for: 1. I have the sense and awareness to get back on the horse here. 2. I know that I'm able to recover. 3. I have a pretty good life compared to many others.
Wow this has been a long journey since I began everything nearly 3 years ago. So many big ups and plenty of downs too, sounds very much like life.
I have returned to this forum as it was the very first place I began my journey and the place I learnt so much about the harmful effects of porn. Since then I have learnt so much more and grown in the personal development side and now understand this process to be more so about creating something else and adding it to your life as opposed to removing something from your life, which simply leaves a deep void.
I've set my resolution or One Big Change for 2017 to be to find myself a steady and loving relationship. This is something I have never had in my 28 years on this planet to date and the area I know I have to work on. Porn has always been my long term relationship, to the point my poor brain finds it so difficult to distinguish between intimate & passionate sex in a loving relationship and porn.
Reasons why I'm committing to undertake working towards and making this change RIGHT NOW in 2017 and beyond:
[list type=decimal]
[*]The biggest thing I truly desire and want in this life is a girlfriend, a bestfriend, someone who I can love from the deepest depths of my heart, and to be able to give them the world
[*]To reclaim my manlihood and sexual energy. To be able to stand strong and proud of who I am physically, emotionally, & sexually
[*]To never have to deal with PIED ever again!
[*]To move myself forward on the path towards having my own family
[*]To be fully committed and successful in my business
[*]To reclaim my self-confidence and self-esteem
[/list]I have previously found a quote that summarises my feelings at the time of my post so will continue with that, as well as including my achievements and things to be grateful for.
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible"
- St Francis of Assisi
- St Francis of Assisi
Achievements: The switch in my head has flicked again to set back focused on this path. I had sex last night and know I'm capable of achieving what I need to.
3 Things I'm Grateful for: 1. I have the sense and awareness to get back on the horse here. 2. I know that I'm able to recover. 3. I have a pretty good life compared to many others.