basically i am curious if my reboot could be quicker than a normal case potentially... my question as i mentioned is does anyone think that maybe my reboot could potentially take less time do to the rationing of PMO for the last 6 months?
Umm, there isn't really a "normal" case for comparison unfortunately. And I think it's important you don't try make that kind of comparison as well. Everyone's circumstance is different. There are too many factors to account for, like environment, social activities, attitude etc. that can contribute to one's reboot.
So whether your reboot is going take "less time" or not, is not something anyone can answer. This is really up to you. You should ask yourself
why you are doing this reboot, and
what you are trying to achieve out of this. Until you know that you've reached that goal, there is no "more" or "less" time for it.
Of course, if you have set yourself a time frame (i.e. - 3/6/9 months) then you can probably do an evaluation yourself of your situation at these time-points. Just remember that is not something you can just force. Honesty is key, and you are the one who can tell yourself if you are in a state that you truly want to be in.
Anyway, this is just my opinion about rebooting, and I don't claim for this to be
the answer. I know it's not a comforting response, but I hope you get something out of it. 6 months of consistently trying to improve yourself is a big deal. You are making good progress in your reboot, trimming down on PMO until not even using for just over 3 weeks now. That is improvement that we at RN are always happy hear. Keep it up, and we hope to hear more good news further down.