How do you get rid of depressive thoughts?

Big H

Active Member
Lately I've been having thoughts of sadness out of nowhere. Technically I should be happy because I've gone 90 days without porn. I've had depression in the past. I saw a psychologist and I got rid of it by not giving a damn but the problem with that is that I barely get anything done now. So does anyone have tips on getting rid of depression? I exercise regularly and eat healthy. I don't do anything super stressful. So any tips?

Death Trap

Active Member
Yes. Try reading the book "The Happiness Trap" by Russ Harris. He will teach you some interesting techniques in dealing with depressive thoughts. The main idea is to learn how to accept them, simply as thoughts, and not to struggle against them, which only creates internal conflict and stress.


I think you'll feel better after a year or 2 without porn.  I'm almost at 3 years.  I used to have bad thoughts when I'd lay down and rest in the middle of the day, but now those are gone. 


Active Member
Death Trap said:
Yes. Try reading the book "The Happiness Trap" by Russ Harris. He will teach you some interesting techniques in dealing with depressive thoughts. The main idea is to learn how to accept them, simply as thoughts, and not to struggle against them, which only creates internal conflict and stress.

simply watch the thaughts as the witnessing presence, they will than fade out and be replaced with your true self which is pure consiousness. it takes persistence. good luck

Death Trap

Active Member
profapper said:
Death Trap said:
Yes. Try reading the book "The Happiness Trap" by Russ Harris. He will teach you some interesting techniques in dealing with depressive thoughts. The main idea is to learn how to accept them, simply as thoughts, and not to struggle against them, which only creates internal conflict and stress.

simply watch the thaughts as the witnessing presence, they will than fade out and be replaced with your true self which is pure consiousness. it takes persistence. good luck
This is correct; however, it's very difficult to cultivate this type of consciousness. I've been doing daily mindfulness-style meditation for a few years, and am only now beginning to achieve it.


Active Member
i feel like most people experience it when their doing what they enjoy, or during extreme sports. the difference with the people that have mastered it is that they know what it is and can willfully choose to be there at any time. most people will not even believe this fenominon exists becouse they think they are their mind and theirs nothing beyond.