Hope comes to those who look & work for it! 3 years non-white knuckle sobriety!

Ron R

New Member
Hello all,
Just kind of stumbled into here, looks interesting.
I got into recovery several years ago, have done SAA, Celebrate Recovery, intense RSA (Recovery from Sexual Addiction) and feel like God & the 12 steps have helped me tremendously. I also see a therapist, I believe hitting my addiction from as many different angles as I can, because I know it is hitting me!
I have many friends in recovery fellowships in SAA & RSA, and make many phone calls a week to stay out of isolation and to do daily check ins w/ others & my sponsor. Keep working it hard, the 12 steps is a simple program for a complicated man! If I can get sober, ANYBODY can!
My inner circle behaviors to avoid is sex with myself or anyone other than my wife, and looking at porn. Thank you for being here!


Active Member
Three years is amazing -- Congrats!

I am not doing a 12 step program and am only at 50 days, but thanks to a supportive partner, my sobriety has not been white knuckle either, quite easy in fact.  I can't say I have had a "craving" since I stopped PMO.  A memory or two, some thoughts, but no cravings.

So no white knuckles.  I am thankful it has been easy for me!


Staff member
Good for you man! That is fantastic to hear. How has your life changed since identifying your problem and becoming sober?