Any books on "How to talk to people?"

Big H

Active Member
I'm a shy guy and I'm not very good at talking to people. Does anyone have any book suggestions that will help with that? I just think it'll help me with meeting real women instead of focusing on porn.


Well-Known Member
Hey, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie (1937) is available for free as a pdf on the web. It's old, but you may know, is still widely read. I bet there will be some good stuff you can get from it. I intend to read it properly myself.


Death Trap

Active Member
I recommend a book called "The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Social Anxiety & Shyness" by Fleming and Kocovski. But, honestly Big H, there's not really a magic bullet here. You (and I) need to just go out and there and start talking to people more. But that book does contain some interesting techniques based on an approach to psychotherapy that I really dig.


Active Member
Dear technique I use -and I fail to remember where I learned from is JST. Just start talking - with any one. But within the 3 seconds of first meeting them. After which our mind will 'invent' excuses.
JST with every one. Work, shopping etc etc.
Anything - since you talk on the first 3 seconds you will not be asking serious questions and hence won't look weird at all.
Wish you well. I think you are on the right track asking questions in the right direction.