This was posted in success stories.
This posted by Oldhornyguy:
Thank you Bibbity for sharing your story, your husband is a very lucky man to have someone as strong and understanding as you have been as he worked through his issues. I sometimes wish I had access to this information 15 years ago when it could have maybe saved my first marriage, but that is water under the bridge.
And I know you have probably heard this before, but I will say to you and Gracie, please don't take this as a total knock on your self esteem. I can say for myself and I think many others that we didn't turn to "self service" because our wives/GFs/SOs were unattractive or sexually unskilled. It was just there. For many of us PMO preceded real sex and just totally screwed up any attempt at real loving sexuality.
I don't think you personally think this, but it seems that many people think, "If I were just sexy enough, he would stop." But that is like thinking, "If I were just funny enough, he wouldn't go the bar and drink." It is, of course, natural to think that, but it just not work with the addiction process.
I don't think it is an excuse, but the addiction process does make us self centered and have horrible judgement. We know we don't want to do these things, we know they are harmful to ourselves and our loved ones -- and then we do them anyway. We don't do it because PMO is better than our women, but rather because we are trapped in the addictive process.
So, hold your head high knowing you have helped a man rescue himself from his addictive process, not by your sexiness, but by your strength, courage and intelligence. All of which are more sexy than sexiness.
Once again, thanks for sharing. Your husband is a lucky man, we are all envious. [/i
And this was my reply:
"OHG I get what you are saying. But if a woman was addicted to porn and her husband was 60, and she was getting off to 20 something year olds over and over again and ignoring her husband and his sexual needs, would you not think it was size related or perfomance related or even physique related? And if you throw in that as her husband you had an occasional or even frequent ED problem at this time (similar to women who do not orgasm every time) would you wonder if that was the cause as well? Or do you think on discovery and hearing it is not you it is me and my addiction, you would not ever after think about the ages and looks of the people and making comparisons?
This does get better with time, but putting it together with the secrecy and the trust and the turning away it is difficult. Kind of reminds me in high school when someone would break up and say its not you its me. Just a thought. "
I know this is long but I feel sometimes that we, as women, are expected to just say okay you looked at a lot of women and thought about them as the main part of your sex life, sometimes for years. (Mine was 20) Then we are told it meant nothing its an addiction, and crap we are left feeling stupid. And then go on. Many of us thought our men had a low libido or if like us approaching 60 it was his aging. So then at that age, we find out its young naked bodies but its not us. Very tough indeed.
Make no mistake my husband and I are doing great. But as I look back I think of what was toughest. Because just as the men watch for triggers, we watch for them to try to avoid the rabbit hole that we can go down too. This is one of mine.
This posted by Oldhornyguy:
Thank you Bibbity for sharing your story, your husband is a very lucky man to have someone as strong and understanding as you have been as he worked through his issues. I sometimes wish I had access to this information 15 years ago when it could have maybe saved my first marriage, but that is water under the bridge.
And I know you have probably heard this before, but I will say to you and Gracie, please don't take this as a total knock on your self esteem. I can say for myself and I think many others that we didn't turn to "self service" because our wives/GFs/SOs were unattractive or sexually unskilled. It was just there. For many of us PMO preceded real sex and just totally screwed up any attempt at real loving sexuality.
I don't think you personally think this, but it seems that many people think, "If I were just sexy enough, he would stop." But that is like thinking, "If I were just funny enough, he wouldn't go the bar and drink." It is, of course, natural to think that, but it just not work with the addiction process.
I don't think it is an excuse, but the addiction process does make us self centered and have horrible judgement. We know we don't want to do these things, we know they are harmful to ourselves and our loved ones -- and then we do them anyway. We don't do it because PMO is better than our women, but rather because we are trapped in the addictive process.
So, hold your head high knowing you have helped a man rescue himself from his addictive process, not by your sexiness, but by your strength, courage and intelligence. All of which are more sexy than sexiness.
Once again, thanks for sharing. Your husband is a lucky man, we are all envious. [/i
And this was my reply:
"OHG I get what you are saying. But if a woman was addicted to porn and her husband was 60, and she was getting off to 20 something year olds over and over again and ignoring her husband and his sexual needs, would you not think it was size related or perfomance related or even physique related? And if you throw in that as her husband you had an occasional or even frequent ED problem at this time (similar to women who do not orgasm every time) would you wonder if that was the cause as well? Or do you think on discovery and hearing it is not you it is me and my addiction, you would not ever after think about the ages and looks of the people and making comparisons?
This does get better with time, but putting it together with the secrecy and the trust and the turning away it is difficult. Kind of reminds me in high school when someone would break up and say its not you its me. Just a thought. "
I know this is long but I feel sometimes that we, as women, are expected to just say okay you looked at a lot of women and thought about them as the main part of your sex life, sometimes for years. (Mine was 20) Then we are told it meant nothing its an addiction, and crap we are left feeling stupid. And then go on. Many of us thought our men had a low libido or if like us approaching 60 it was his aging. So then at that age, we find out its young naked bodies but its not us. Very tough indeed.
Make no mistake my husband and I are doing great. But as I look back I think of what was toughest. Because just as the men watch for triggers, we watch for them to try to avoid the rabbit hole that we can go down too. This is one of mine.