My future is awesome!


Respected Member

I came across an interesting (gross) video of horseworms on praying mantis.

Basically the horseworms invades the insect, takes over its brain, makes it a zombie, eats up it's fats, forces it to water for its next step.

The P industry is no different.

It invades our life through the internet.
Take over our mind with cravings and attachments
Makes us a zombie and lose focus on self improvement
Eats up our fats and make us poor with relationship and finances
And dumps us after we are of no use to them.

The P industry is Parasitic


Respected Member

Relapse is an opportunity.
It is the opportunity to reflect, learn and improve.
Making errors is useful when we take the opportunity to find out what went wrong, and what is necessary to correct.

Somewhere in our learning process we erroneously value feelings more greatly than function.

When test scores are down, instead of focusing on the functional reasons why, we rather feel hurt and detatch from figuring out what we did incorrectly that prevented us from success.

A relapse is a great opportunity.
It tells us our preperation method is faulty.
It presents us a great opportunity to learn from our mistake and make corrections.

True happiness comes from achieving success.
Success is a function of doing things correctly.
Doing things wrongly and hoping for success is a therefore functional error.

To improve and thus feel good about ourselves we must take the time to learn about what's wrong and how to do it correctly.
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Respected Member

we are successful with P because we applied successful methodology to gain P.

We practice these 3S repeatedly, refining our process and selecting the best and most efficient sites.

And it's easy to keep doing this because
P is broad in choice and availability
P rewards early and immediately

We should take the same methodology and reapply to daily life.

Whatever we require we should
Repeatedly until we are satisfied with the outcome.
When we get better at it, we will constantly be rewarded with good outcomes.

This is true for relationships. It will also be true for career and finances.
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Respected Member

our wives are pissed with us when we P because P trains us to
1. Isolate and avoid
2. Become needy and demanding.

Why isolate and avoid?
Because P is private and shameful
Because P does not help us solve our problems functionally

Why needy and demanding?
Because P is ideal and addictive.
We get whatever we want whenever we want. Reality is not like that. We learn new wrong behaviors.

This are not masculine characteristics.
Masculinity are about being strong, sturdy, strength, stability and courageous.
It's easy to see why isolated avoident needy and demanding behaviors are not.

When we are not masculine we are not attractive.

Feminity on the other hand is about liveliness, chaos, warmth, softness. Similarly, they are less attractive when they become too masculine.

P exposes us to too much feminity, making us too much like them. It is a drain and a transformation that we don't need.


Respected Member

Education in schools generally follow 3 main phases. Our education in change from P addiction is also the same

We are only concerned about ourselves on basic and easy to grasp topics like day counts and refusal, and guided by others.
We are learning to refuse and replace P

We are now more community based in sharing our learnings. We incorporate some personal experiences. We are still mostly learning from and with others.
We understand better about self restoring and resurrection

We have been at this practice for some years now. We have many resources and we apply broader life topics into our practice. We are doing for greater life goals and give back more to the community.
This is about returning.
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Respected Member

we must find joy in learning and changing.
The world changes but if we don't we are stuck.
Being stuck is of course uncomfortable and undesirable.

Our old ways of focusing on discomfort when wrong is wrong.
We should focus not on feelings, but why we were wrong, and how not to be wrong.
Failure is nothing to be ashamed of.
However not willing or trying to changing is.


Respected Member

I faltered.
What when wrong?
My plan and method were wrong. The outcome was not desired.

What should I do?
Reinforce my purpose and motivation
Remove more access and association
Focus on actions not feelings
Have more drive to study and improve
Have more drive to remove empty time
Be more wary of bad practices, self deception and blind spots
No self blame. Just get up and get back on track
Focus on the alternatives
Focus on self improvement
Practice more these new goals


Respected Member

one reason why we keep returning to P is because we cannot endure

Endure being away from P
Endure doing something else other than P
Endure doing something else until it shows results
Endure until something else becomes habitual and preferred
Endure until the earlier unendurable is forgotten and left behind

Life is about enduring
Enduring until we get it right
Enduring until it starts to pay off


Respected Member

It is strange that we can associate seeking P as fun but not real life.
That's A HUGE ERROR in life!

Life is fun!
Exploring and trying new things IS FUN!

But somewhere along the way we took a wrong turn. We turned into the avenue of
1. Cannot be wrong
2. Cannot fail
3. Must win, must be correct

Life no longer was fun. It was stressful. It was painful. There was no exploration. We were too hard on ourselves. We turned to safe and undemanding activities. We hang on to the past and dare not look into the future.

Time to return to the better way.
Let go of the past
Let go of attachments and wrong views.
embrace the new
Explore and enjoy the world
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Respected Member

i create fun in my life via looking forward to somethings or working towards completing others.
Both requires forward planning and future outcomes.

This could be in the form of:
- redesiging my place
- studying a subject
- looking out for things to buy or upgrade
- looking for something to read or study

I am keeping myself busy and creating a series of outcomes that I could feel good about.
Today I repacked a room, organized the items and cleared out some old stuff
I also put up some unnecessary items up for sale
i am planning towards helping another clear the hoarding in their home
I also cleaned up a hdd and backed up some old files.

I am looking forward to the rest of the day and i have some more things lined up for myself to do.
I am waiting for some nice weather so that i can go running and i feel things are going well at the moment.

The more i improve myself, the less i need harmful distractions.


Respected Member

life is fun, adventurous, exciting.
Somehow with P, it drained away all my spirit.
I was hesitant, apprehensive, full of doubt.
I had no spirit, was negative, fearful.

Without P the world is much brighter.
Everything sees more interesting.

I don't need P or people to brighten my days.
I can do it for myself, by myself.
I pick my goals, do my preperation, and enjoy my outcomes.

Everyday is enjoyable


Respected Member

Our words reinforce our focus.
So if we only talk about missing P, we'd keep on thinking about P
If we keep on verbalizing about numbers, we'd keep on thinking about numbers.
If we keep on verbalizing about sex, all we will think about is sex.
If we keep on verbalizing about what we don't have, we'd keep on feeling sorry about ourselves

Rather I want to verbalize only activities OUTSIDE of P or sex.
I want to talk about my daily activities.
I want to talk about my gains and gratitudes.
I have these and they make me happy and strong.
I want to keep talking about these, because I will reinforce new habits and practices and beliefs that are crucial to beating and replacing any addictive or needy or dependent or wimpy behaviors.

Talk only about what we want to head towards, not what we are trying to get away from.


Respected Member

There are many doors in our life.
The door to my room
The doors in my phone
The doors in my head
The door in my pants.

The key is to keep some doors open and avoid other doors.

1. Keep my room doors open at all times
2. Be very very vigilant to the doors on my phone, and in my head. Be wary of misguided doors, and doors with bad intentions.
3. Open only the doors that I allow myself to
4. Be very selective on what doors I can open
5. Never open the doors I disallow myself to

In time with practice, some of these bad doors will gradually fade away.

In its place remains only good doors leading to knowledge, wisdom, experience and happiness.


Respected Member

Instigate - facilitate - actuate - outcome.

O is an outcome/achievement state.
P is the facilitator
M is the actuator

When we PMO we are really trying to reach an achievement state.

To move away from PMO is to deny the facilitators and avoid the actuators.

But before these 3, we need to be clear about the instigation stage.

So why are we seeking an achievement state?
1. Habitual association in a familiar environment through repeated practice
2. General seeking of a feel good experience

Just as hunger and sexual interest are naturally occuring biological states, so too is the seeking of satiation. Without the desire to seek and fulfill, we would not have the will and drive to hunt or gather.

So these are normal inherent biological functions.

But we PMO because we learnt wrong ways to read and address our inherent nature.

Instead of quick and easy but detrimental practices (PMO), we can better manage our instinctual seeking of achievements by simply ensuring that we accumulate bite size achievements across the day so that we are satiated and don't require PMO to feel better later on.

This means keeping busy.
This means having good goals and things to look forward and do.
This means acknowledging whatever we have done across the day.
So that when night or private time comes, we are already satiated and comfortable not to seek for more.

It would be like being so well fed that I would not want to ask for anymore.

I got messed up in school when I stopped acknowledging my daily achievements and focused on my failures instead, no matter my efforts. That put me at a low state needing something else to lift myself up. That's when habit lead to addiction.

I didn't see things I've done as good.
I was being too hard on myself.
I wasn't kind or fair to myself.
I applied some bad practices that were detrimental to myself.

To be kind to myself is to recognize whatever I have done, not compare myself to others but to encourage myself to do more, and thus recieve more.

And when I have been sufficiently kind and encouraging and succeeding with myself, there is no longer any need for me to depend on others to feel good about myself.
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Respected Member

Turning to P is partially habitual, and partially because we are not preoccupied.

When I am preoccupied with things on my mind about things I need to do or improve, I have little or no time or interest to think about P. I have more important and beneficial things to do.

So keeping busy is important.


Respected Member
If you're bothered by long helpful articles, don't read them Prakash, it's as simple as that. Everyone here has a different method that helps them out. No one here is forcing you to read any article, that's on you my man. But being rude about this is not acceptable. Period.


Respected Member

Fundementally we are here because we are NOT HAPPY

Why are we unhappy?
  • PIED
  • not getting what we want
  • not feeling successful
  • down or depressed
  • lacking interest in life
Remember that our answers often already lie within our words
  • PIED - too much stimulent
  • not getting what we want - needy or overly demanding
  • not feeling successful - not improving or not recognizing achievements
  • down or depressed - not going out to explore, create, curious
  • lacking interest in life - same things over and over
I got to know a bright and happy lady in a course I took recently and would like to share her story
  1. started working at 16 as a tour guide. Got to travel to many countries before 20
  2. after school opened a business and successfully sold it 13 years later to retire at 40
  3. got depressed within 6 months due to lack of activity
  4. picked herself up and took up many courses, sometime 3 different courses a day
Her life practices :
  • she would look back every day on what she has accomplished
  • she is a very goal oriented person. Everything she set out to do she will achieve it
  • she is a quiet and non attention seeking person
  • she studies hard and finishes a book every 2 days
  • she is attentive and focused during our team meetings
  • she continues to explore new things to learn and do.
  • she is fully occupied every day and cannot stand lounging around
  • she likes to read nonfiction books and is not interested in tv series or fiction
  • as a successful business owner, she is also very successful with sales. More importantly she is very patient when it comes to making her sale.
  • she was from marketing but took 2 years of planning and learning before embarking on her business in beauty.
  • she is obviously very hard working, diligent, focused and self driven.
What are our key takeaways from her practices?
  1. Be patient and work towards our goal
  2. make sure we work hard and acknowledge our achievements daily
  3. do not seek external attention. Be our own chief and audience
  4. be focused and present at the moment
  5. constantly enrich and improve self with new interests, experiance and learnings
  6. minimize down time and keep oneself busy
  7. dont spend too much time entertaining our emotions. Let our actions dictate our quality of life

Coming back to our points about being unhappy, i summerize :
  • If some things are not working, go fix it
  • If some things are not happening, go at it
  • if some things are not worth our time, leave it
  • focus on self intention, self improvement and self achievement
To myself:
the lazy entitled person is an unhappy person
dont do too much for others until there is nothing left for myself
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Fundementally we are here because we are NOT HAPPY

Why are we unhappy?
  • PIED
  • not getting what we want
  • not feeling successful
  • down or depressed
  • lacking interest in life
Remember that our answers often already lie within our words
  • PIED - too much stimulent
  • not getting what we want - needy or overly demanding
  • not feeling successful - not improving or not recognizing achievements
  • down or depressed - not going out to explore, create, curious
  • lacking interest in life - same things over and over
I got to know a bright and happy lady in a course I took recently and would like to share her story
  1. started working at 16 as a tour guide. Got to travel to many countries before 20
  2. after school opened a business and successfully sold it 13 years later to retire at 40
  3. got depressed within 6 months due to lack of activity
  4. picked herself up and took up many courses, sometime 3 different courses a day
Her life practices :
  • she would look back every day on what she has accomplished
  • she is a very goal oriented person. Everything she set out to do she will achieve it
  • she is a quiet and non attention seeking person
  • she studies hard and finishes a book every 2 days
  • she is attentive and focused during our team meetings
  • she continues to explore new things to learn and do.
  • she is fully occupied every day and cannot stand lounging around
  • she likes to read nonfiction books and is not interested in tv series or fiction
  • as a successful business owner, she is also very successful with sales. More importantly she is very patient when it comes to making her sale.
  • she was from marketing but took 2 years of planning and learning before embarking on her business in beauty.
  • she is obviously very hard working, diligent, focused and self driven.
What are our key takeaways from her practices?
  1. Be patient and work towards our goal
  2. make sure we work hard and acknowledge our achievements daily
  3. do not seek external attention. Be our own chief and audience
  4. be focused and present at the moment
  5. constantly enrich and improve self with new interests, experiance and learnings
  6. minimize down time and keep oneself busy
  7. dont spend too much time entertaining our emotions. Let our actions dictate our quality of life

Coming back to our points about being unhappy, i summerize :
  • If some things are not working, go fix it
  • If some things are not happening, go at it
  • if some things are not worth our time, leave it
  • focus on self intention, self improvement and self achievement
To myself:
the lazy entitled person is an unhappy person
dont do too much for others until there is nothing left for myself
Nicely explain man... I Apriacite


Respected Member

We want to be free of PMO, but we keep doing it
We want excitment in life but are too lazy to go at it
We want improvement in life but waste our time on non improvement stuff
We want to be happy but waste time finding faults with others
We want to lose weight but keep on finding excuses to eat junk food
We want to do well but spend all our energy arguing with others
the list goes on and on...

This confusion between action and intention saps our limited energy and keeps us at the same place for a long long time
without an aligned mind and body, it is impossible to go anywhere, do anything.

P teaches us some behaviors, such as More is Better
But more is not necessarily better
More can be very distracting.
Focus on a very few is better

P also teaches us : Effort - Search - Sort - Select
Time to apply this learned skill to better means:
Effort to find / practice new skills / interests / habits
Look, if i can make the effort to seek out TOXIC P material, I can damn well make the effort to seek out better real world stuff, right?

Back to my lady friend in HAPPY 1:
1. Is focused on gaining certain specific skills and knowledge
2. makes effort to do what she intends to
Her life is simple with only a few goals a day, all achieved and done well.
Yet, she is rich with knowledge and ownership.
while we of "plenty" are bare and empty.

I'd keep my life simple too and make every effort to align intention with effort.
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