The natural order of sexes is that males are hard and females are soft.
The male firmness gives females comfort in security while the female softness gives males comfort from the harsh environment and other hard males.
Modernity has warped this natural order.
Porn turned males soft. A soft male is unattractive to females. He doesn't provide them their needed firmness, and makes him alike other females, which is in fact competitive. Soft males are generally more dependent and vulnerable, making him a poorer choice for both parties.
Financial independence and security by uniform groups have also altered female roles, giving them the opportunity to become hard.
A hard female is unattractive to males, because they do not provide their needed softness. They also challenge other males, as they become like them and potentially take over their space and contest for other women.
Genetics doesn't care about modernity, religion, beliefs or opinion. It only cares about survivability and continuation of species regardless of environment. In that sense, male firmness and female softness will always be practical and attractive.
When I was under the influence, I became a soft male. I was insecure, dependent and unstable. I was practically speaking unattractive to both sexes. In the absense of my confidence, my wife became hard. She had to, when her partner cannot give her expected male hardness of strength and security. Everyone knows how hard it is to be around hard females. Don't blame them. There were forced by circumstance and don't like it too.
Outside of influence, I became firmer. I became more strong, assured and confident. I became more attractive. Under my firmness, my wife has also began to soften, as she became free to return to her traditional female form and role.
Our relationship improved. Our genetical order restored. Our mutual roles of hard and soft returned. Harmony and happiness prevail.
Do no be a porn masturbator.
It will literally fuck you up, make you weak, soft, and dependent, and turn you into a totally unattractive human being.
Embrace your male role.
Embrace hardness.
Embrace your cuts and wounds.
Do not weep for yourself.
Let the women weep for you.
In strength we are glorified.
In softness we are shamed.
We were never meant to live to a ripe old age. That is the burden of the female.
We were always meant to die in battle.
Be strong
Be firm
Be male