I am awesome!


Respected Member
I know I am a sense oriented person
There are also success oriented people

The difference is that I was directed blindly by feelings only, whereas others are directed by congnition choice, where success is the outcome of what one has earlier intended to achieve.

It is taking a long time but the shift is happening, and will continue to happen as long as I maintain focus and direction.

I have wondered aimlessly fruitlessly and in the dark for 4 yrs before sheer determination made a difference in my outcome.

Level 1. Thinking change is a function of days streak.

Level 2. Realizing change happens only when thinking changes

Level 3. Finding out more and more ways to do and think differently, thereby creating faster, more effective and more permanent change

Level 4. New behavior and thinking becomes more entrenched.

I have been 7 years in this reboot nofap journey.

I don't want others to waste as much time as I did trying to figure things out.
I want them to get out as quickly as possible.
That is why I write activities that have truly helped me, in the hopes that it will help you too.


Respected Member
The feeling of cravings isnt a good thing
It is the sense of depravity.

That is because satiation of sense cravings can never be fulfilled
1. A person can never belong to someone else totally. Not body, not mind.
2. Relationships are never 100% happy. There will always be some form of disagreement
3. We all age

So seeking satisfaction and satiation through sex can never be fulfilled. It may be for now, for this moment, but the tank will be empty again tomorrow.

This kind of living is very damaging and depriving.
To see our bank account at 0 every morning is very disheartening.

Because what sex seeks is non existent in the real sense. There is nothing physical to hold on to.

But there is 1 thing that is physical and always there.

That's ourselves.

It is the one and only thing we have possession of. Our body.

And thus this is the one and only one thing that we should focus our attention to cultivate, protect and nurture.

Attention to P is misdirected.
Abuse of our body and mind for sensation through the use of P is misdirected.
It leads only to discomfort and sense of deprivation.
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There are some things that will forever be elusive to those who seek it
Especially when it involves others.

The young one today are unhappy because they seek their own happiness, and thus can never have any


Respected Member
I like people.

I'm out hiking and I enjoy talking to people I meet more than I enjoy the hike.

I think I like the attention, and the information they share.

I always rather talk with people than to read it up.
I also have something to share.
I like sharing with others

This is my nature.

Perhaps this nature disposes me to PMO given it's attention providing features.

There are others who don't like people.
They rather avoid them then talk with them
They rather reads up then to ask
They rather be alone than be with others.

Don't blame ourselves too much for this addiction.
There are some factors about ourselves that are beyond our control, such as our natural inclinations.

On the spectrum of those who are inclined to enjoy people's company are those who take sex and sexuality to the extreme.
And then there are others who couldn't care less about intimacy.

What matters is that we manage it well so that it doesn't disrupt our lives too much.
Extremes and excesses are both not good.
Life is more than just people.
It is aspirations. It is personal enjoyment in spaces not people related. Life is broad and interesting. There are much to be enjoyed and discovered. Don't narrow ourselves into a limited and unsatiable space.

Beyond PMO, it is important to know what we like.
We are all unique and different creatures. It is more important to know what we like, than simply liking others.


Respected Member
I also like unknowns and intelligent surprises.

At restaurants I would often order new dishes to try them, rather than the traditional favourites which I've probably already had before.

In sports I go for the fast and speedy type. They provide more thrill for me them the perfectionic ones.

In shows I like those that are either informative or surprising.

These are my nature.
So being interested in PMO is somewhat aligned to these interests:
Surprise factor
Action oriented

Hiking is harder for me because
1. things are somewhat static
2. Things move and change slowly
3. It takes are large effort to get to nice places.
It only becomes fun for me when we're going downhill and the speed and challenge picks up.

Little things like these helps me to know what kind of person I am and what kind of preferences I like.

I have to go seek them to make myself more happy and my life interesting.

I am fast and sweeping.
Others are slow, detail oriented , and methodical.
We're all just born differently


Respected Member
Brought son for hiking today
He stepped into a muddy puddle and got his boots wet.
My wife lost it.
I'm like, this is to be expected and not surprising.
I checked and found the boot kept it's waterproofing and the socks are still dry.
Since the insides are still dry, I didn't want to clean the boots too much and risk my muddy hands or the process introduce mud into the shoe unintentionally.
She took it differently and claimed I didn't want to get my hands muddy.

That pissed me off.
what calmed me was the simple recent awareness that we are all entitled to our own opinions.

She can have hers
I can have mine
I don't have to make her agree with mine
I just need to agree with myself and move on.


Respected Member
Thank you @Blondie, I'm doing ok. I will be leaving the forum again very soon. I'm only sorry I've not had the chance to chat more with you. I hope my short visit has been helpful for the folks here. It's good to be back, and good to see familiar names and friends. Do take good care of yourself! If you like to know where else I blog, do let me know. Cheers!


Respected Member
In PMO we hoard a lot of stuff
We needed to
We depended on it
What we didn't realize
It was like air to us
It was also keeping us safe
Too safe
I call it frozen in time
Not moving forward nor backwards.

Ultimately reboot is about letting go
Let go of our hoard
Let go of our behavior and practices
Let go of our thinking
Let go of our past
Let go of people in our lives.

The only thing certain to happen from the moment we are born is aging and eventual death.
We can't bring anything or anyone.
So to move on in my journey
I must let go.
And reboot has helped me to learn how to let go.
Only then can I truly live.

I will let go.


Respected Member
Desire can be a terrible thing.

When we want something too much
To the extent of hurting ourselves
Wittingly or unwittingly
It becomes harmful.

We must know what is good for us.
And most important is integrity
We fall apart when integrity falls apart
So never let our integrity down
Never let anything be more important than integrity
And the end of the day
At judgement day
Let it be know
I tried and did my best
And did not give into desires, temptations and foolhardiness

I need to answer to myself