Feeling the strongest I have felt in years. I probably think about and fantasize about sex a little too much but it gets left there. I am putting in a pretty steady and fair effort into working on my health and going to bed at a decent time during the week these days. Pretty happy with my outlook
I think one of the things that is also helping me is telling myself I don not need to be ashamed of this whole situation. That is just the weak road to recovery. We did not get into this voluntarily. So there is nothing to be ashamed of. The people who allowed all this stuff on the internet for free should be the ones who are ashamed of themselves. And I am not buying the argument of freedom of speech or expression. Before the internet porn was only available in a controlled system and I must say I watched it but can not say I was addicted because it was not something I could run to on a spur of the moment. Sometimes I honestly believe our governments don't mind us being addicted to porn. It certainly kept us busy all those years. kept us in a brain fog as to what is really going on in the world .
Post often it helps me it helps you
Indeed. If Hannibal would have had porn as a weapon of mass destruction, he wouldn't have needed to cross the alps to defeat Rome. He could have just set up shop in Carthage and wait it out tell Rome fell from within. Porn takes no prisoners. I imagine he would have broadcasted it with the motto, Porn is Freedom and Let Us Make the World Safe for Sexuality.Sometimes I honestly believe our governments don't mind us being addicted to porn. It certainly kept us busy all those years.
This would be great. I mean anything would be better than nothing at this point.At the very least, there should be warnings about the negative effects of P plastered on the front of every page and video.
This would be great. I mean anything would be better than nothing at this point.