Is there a write up on how to fool around without sex to rewire to human touch?


New Member
Okay so I thought I had ran across years ago a write up on YBOP about how specifically to do this.  A technique for fooling around with a partner to rewire your brain to touch as opposed to just winging it.  I've found a few sections of the site mentioning that real life sex is good during a reboot as well as fooling around.  I just thought there was a write up on a technique for the no sex fooling part.  Like a therapy basically.  A couples therapy.

Sry if it's somewhere around easy to find.  I've spent a few days over the last few weeks searching for this write up cause I swear I thought it existed....but I can't find it.

Thanks for reading!


Active Member
I seem to remember an article that talked about that as well. It's been awhile since I've been on YBOP so I can't help you with the article but I may know the technique your talking about. Look up some info about karezza. It's basically sex without O. I've never tried it but apparently a lot of people swear it's better than sex with O.