Respected Member
So I wanted to start this thread so get thoughts and ideas on something. My parents are driving their motorhome out to visit and will be driving back home (across the country) at the end of May. My daughter is in a wedding in May. They are purposefully staying that long so they can drive our kiddos home with them for a visit. The kids would get to see the country (again,lol) and spend some time with all of the family and friends that they miss. Its a great opportunity. My husband and I won't be able to fly out and get them for about 1 1/2 months! I am super nervous about this. In addition to having never been away from my kids for that long it will also be the first time my husband and I will be kid free for more than a week in just over ten years. I honestly can't even imagine what that will be like. Still wondering what I was thinking agreeing to this, lol. I know it will be a great experience for the kids and it will probably be good for my husband and I as well. Just, the more I think about it the more nervous I get. Thoughts?