Spending time with your husband again


Respected Member
So I wanted to start this thread so get thoughts and ideas on something. My parents are driving their motorhome out to visit and will be driving back home (across the country) at the end of May. My daughter is in a wedding in May. They are purposefully staying that long so they can drive our kiddos home with them for a visit. The kids would get to see the country (again,lol) and spend some time with all of the family and friends that they miss. Its a great opportunity. My husband and I won't be able to fly out and get them for about 1 1/2 months! I am super nervous about this. In addition to having never been away from my kids for that long it will also be the first time my husband and I will be kid free for more than a week in just over ten years. I honestly can't even imagine what that will be like. Still wondering what I was thinking agreeing to this, lol. I know it will be a great experience for the kids and it will probably be good for my husband and I as well. Just, the more I think about it the more nervous I get. Thoughts?


Respected Member
Lindseyz, not sure exactly what you mean by that so if you can explain a little I would be happy to reply.

As far at the above thread plans ended up changing and my family is having a big reunion that the kids really wanted to attend. There are a lot of cousins and family they have never met. Due to timing the month and a half trip is turning into just over two months. I have never been this long without my kids and I am not a fan at all of having them gone but the daily pictures, facetime, marcopolo and all other means of staying connected has helped a ton! They are having a blast! Seriously, summer of a lifetime for them! For my husband and I, it has been a time of renewal and planning. This is giving us a chance to get clear about what we want our future to look like and we are in the process of setting some goals and making some decisions on our life. It has been great to become more connected. Our kids are 8 & 10. In another decade or so they will probably move out and this will be life for my husband and I. We have thought about that from time to time. We want to make sure that when that day comes we aren't left with two people who only sort of like  each other, lol. We hope is that we would be even more in love than we are today. That our grand kids can see what long term love looks like. We are getting the kids at the end of this month and I am beyond excited!!!!! I can't wait to hug them and I may never let them go but when I do and they grow up well...this time with my husband has shown me that it will be ok.