Day 12
@Blondie ! I've been having thoughts about PMO last couple of days and I've thought about looking up something provocative, not P per say, but I know where that road will lead me. I don't want to forget how shitty I feel after a relapse and how each day of freedom stacks up and makes me a better man.

I've achieved my small goal of writing out my food consumption for 7 days in the excel table that was given to me by the nutritionist. I plan on continuing to do that and perhaps tomorrow, on payday, I might book a consultation with her. Even though this morning I was lighter than I've been in the past 8+ months, I haven't been perfect at executing the steps she had given me, especially about eating slowly.
I know I can't be perfect, but surely I can eat slower once again, even though I'm doing ok with the weight loss. I also need to continue to work out, the past week I didn't work out. I want to work out with a gym buddy ideally, but as of right now, it's not convenient due to my work schedule. I have to continue doing what I had been doing (working out, eating slower and conciously) if I want to stay on the right path. I think all of this is a foundation for staying off PMO too.
I believe I'm either going up and making a positive change or regressing, there's no staying in the same place. That's why I have to keep going and not forget what got me in the bad place with PMO in the first place.

Have a great day free of PMO guys!