Looks like I?ve missed a very interesting discussion here.
Women, weight, body image and porn addiction all seem to intersect. Speaking as a genetically very tall/very slim woman I can categorically say that my weight had nothing to do with my partner?s porn addiction. But at the time I believed his porn use, and his lack of sexual interest in me which developed as his porn addiction progressed, was because I was physically and sexually unattractive to him. Over time, I didn?t gain weight, I lost weight when unintentionally and became underweight. It was a symptom of my unhappiness which became depression.
WFO, I have no idea whether your wife knows about the porn addiction or not, but I suspect your wife FEELS your lack of interest and attraction to her. Her weight MAY be a symptom of her unhappiness. She may be turning to food for comfort. She may sense that you are not attracted to her because she is large and feels there is no hope. For all you know she may have TRIED to lose weight but still experienced your lack of interest. And she may have given up trying, because what?s the point? Classic learned helplessness.
On the other hand ? maybe a bit counterintuitive ? but, she may feel safer in a larger body. She may feel that her fat protects her from the pain she senses she might have to go through if she was to risk getting with you in the way she?d like to. She might want a happy, healthy relationship with you but senses it?s going to mean a lot of pain, and she might find out for sure that maybe you don?t want her, or maybe she might be afraid of the marriage being over. So perhaps it?s safer to protect herself from too much pain. Fat can be a metaphor, it may be her insulation from pain.
In my own personal recovery, I?ve had to do a lot of work on body image and body dysmorphia. Most of the books and podcasts about body image focus on weight and diet culture. Much of it doesn?t ?speak to me? in specifics because I?ve never had weight issues, other than becoming underweight towards the latter years of my husband?s porn addiction. (I felt so insignificant I made myself smaller, that?s my metaphor.) But these women, the writers, the activists, the podcasters, they offered me a lifeline, because big or small, we are not, should not, be valued only because of our looks, or size, or shape.
For any woman reading this, and to Mrs WFO especially, respect your body and don?t allow anyone to disrespect it. You are so much more than your appearance. Your body is an instrument, not an ornament.
So, from the body activists, especially those who promote the idea of Health At Every Size, they would say ? and I agree ? that if your partner doesn?t respect you because they think your body isn?t good enough for them, that you?re too big, too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall, too flat chested, too saggy, too curvy, too muscular, too bony, too hairy, too this or too that ? they?d say? don?t change your body, change your man (as in, get a new one). And you know what? There?s something in that. But I?d also use caution and question whether the problem in the relationship really is about ?fat? or ?weight? and probe a bit deeper.
Going back to the original question, my husband likes my body and I enjoy that he is turned on by my physicality. I also know that it?s me, the person, that he loves, and that?s far more important. Compliments are nice but they aren?t everything. I like it when my husband likes my art, my cooking, or that he shares his enthusiasm in my work or whatever. But turning it around, my husband isn?t as skinny as he was in his youth. He has lines on his face and he?s greying a bit. But I don?t want him to be anyone other than who he is today. I don?t compare him with some young athlete and feel short-changed because he?s not 20 years younger. I?m still very attracted to my husband. He?s handsome, smart and sexy, just as he always has been.
Maybe WFO has left the building, but I see this ?weight? thing come up so often and I?ve explored the issue from other perspectives than my own. Recovering addicts, please be kinder to your (potential) partners. Nobody is perfect. I was blessed with what was (for my generation) the tall thin ideal. It wasn?t an ?achievement? or anything I worked for. It was the genetic lottery. And it is a guarantee of NOTHING. Yes, I really do mean NOTHING. It didn?t inoculate my husband from porn addiction nor did it protect me from feeling shit about myself. So be kinder everyone. Remember that your body is not an ornament. It?s your very physical presence on this earth.