Gaining control of Compulsive Masturbation


Active Member
Day 14,

Having my uncle visiting me might be the reason I've been clean, plus me working on my spiritual growth and attending church.

Hope to grow from strength to strength. May God help me stay focused


Active Member
I have been jerking off everyday for almost a month now, I sometimes feel like this cycle is impossible to escape.

I just want to be normal, be less awkward around women, have fun with the opposite sex.


Did you ever end up getting back toward pursuing the math degree?  Why or why not? 


Active Member
Hey jixu

This habit just absorb a lot of my mental faculties that I find it hard to concentrate. I decided to finally register this semester, but I'm going to have to stick to a strict study plan so that I minimize the chances of me jerking off too many times.

When the material gets hard I usually run to jerking off for temporary relief, it always backfire into me binging. I'm tired of failure.



Glad to hear that you are signed up again!  I would like to hear updates on your studies.  Make sure to get an exercise plan going, even if it is simple and modest like walking, and eat and sleep properly.  A math skill set is very useful out there, and you can use it to help others and provide for yourself.  Great news-push on!


Active Member
How many times have I said this is the last time, so many times that I forgot how many.
I want to:
stop objectify,
start exercising regularly,
Spend more time outdoors,
Increase my devotions times,
Be normal.

Hope to make this work, I want to share a less depressing story in the future.


Active Member
Days 2,

I try as much as possible not to think of sex. My obsession about sex might have been holding me back, so will keep searching for answers until I find them.

I deserve a better life than this messed up cycle. Let the fight with self continue


Active Member
Day 3,

Minimizing my thoughts about sex, trying as much as possible to avoid objectify women. So far the formula seems to be working.

Day 10 of not ejaculating, hope for the best.


Active Member
Day 3,

I will always remember the power this has on me. I might reach 90 days but will never underestimate the power this has.

Things are getting in control. I'm Learning to accept my past mistakes instead of day dreaming about how I could have done things differently. Instead I rather try as much as possible to be productive with another activity.

Hope to gain control. One day at a time!!


Active Member
Day 2,

The time for self deception has passed. It's time to go cold turkey.

I remember the 2 times I successfully completed 90+ days of NoFap. I was more confident, less depressed, less awkward, less anxious. The benefits out way the temporary relief I feel after PMOing, followed by hopeless.


BabySteps said:
I remember the 2 times I successfully completed 90+ days of NoFap. I was more confident, less depressed, less awkward, less anxious. The benefits out way the temporary relief I feel after PMOing, followed by hopeless.

Of course, I remember it too, how I felt after a longer streak of no porn, no PMO. I could write a list of things I've experienced. But I guess they were just the way I was supposed to be, without the chain of porn. The real me. We have to keep in mind that in the battle of "instant pleasure/self-medication/cope/relief/relaxion etc" vs "the real me" the addicted brain will always choose the former. That's how it works. The people who will be able to endure the suffocating pain and never go back, will be the people who will quit this addiction. The others won't. This is the truth. It's the reason why my streak is still only 5 days long. I haven't been able to face and accept my suffering. I've been choosing the relief over my well-being plan. The plan is right here in my head, I know it very well, but when the suffering starts, "fuck it, forget it." Because it's hard. It's pain and suffering. That's all I can say now. I hope I could make it work one day.


Active Member
Hey WeCanDoIt

This addiction is more powerful than us. We always have to remind ourselves of the goals we have in this life.

"PMOing and failure" vs "resist and go stronger".
We Can Do It


Active Member
Day 9,

Able to resist till now, will keep going.
1. Trying my best to resist the temptation to objectify women.
2. Keeping busy with school assignments.
3. Trying my best to be more consistent with my devotions.
4. Never let a day pass without reflecting on the damage this cycle has done in my life. But not depressed about the fact.


Active Member
Day 10,

So far so good,
1. Cutting down on the number of meals per day from 3 to 2 seem to be working.
2. Doing devotions every single morning.
3. Jogging three times a week.

Will keep going!


Active Member
Day 12

Went for a morning jog, it went well.
Have to push myself to study, my brain keeps wondering and wondering. I want to concentrate.
Will keep fighting back until I make it, I'm tired of giving in.