Been having a bit of trouble the past few weeks. I haven't done any pmo, however, I have been fantasizing before bed some nights and the other day, a news article I was reading referenced the hot tub meta on twitch so I went to see what that was and ended up looking at a girl in a bikini for a few minutes. The worst bit in my mind is that I went back to look at her Twitter a few days later and clicked her only fans link to see what that was. I couldn't see anything on there since I'm not a member so I left.
In general, I've been struggling with believing in myself and I've been getting depressed most days as I work from home. I feel like I have a lot of thoughts and actions bottled up inside without any outlet. I've been playing a lot more video games, which is what I do when I'm stressed. My gf noticed all this and we had a talk and she's concerned about me. I've become irritable more often and she gets afraid of communicating what we have to do in fear that I will shut down because I'm overwhelmed.
I took the step yesterday of looking up some therapist. I have a lot of childhood experiences that really bothered my that I've never addressed. I feel like talking to a pro would be helpful.
I have a good life, I just feel like I'm floating along a lot. My gf mentioned that I am really hard on myself and that I don't seem to believe in myself. That got me thinking.
What do I want? I want to lost 20 lbs and train regularly for the PCT, which I want to hike in 10 months. I also want to blog. Making progress in those two areas would be very motivating to me, I've just been scared to get started. I'm a bit burned from last year when I had these three clear goals and internalized that I failed them all. That's not really true through, I fell in love last year and accomplished things with my gf that I've only dreamed of.
In general, I hesitate to become my best self because I don't want people to rely on me and then for me to let them down. My dad did that to me and it was rough. I know that line of thought isn't logical but it's what I feel.
Of course, getting more fit and blogging would actually motivate me and my gf and create some really positive experiences. If I then take a break or quit, it doesn't harm anyone. But not doing what makes me happy and instead procrastinating by playing many hours of video games a day makes me irritable and does create a degree of harm to those that love me.
We are in it together my friends,