Start using the tools that are available now. Don't wait for better ones. Consistency beats efficiency. I start now.
The first tool I am going to use tomorrow and measure its effects, is called Naming and Disrupting for lack of a better term. Perhaps I'll figure a better name some time. It's fairly self-explanatory. There are two parts to it that will help to resist the urges.
The first part is simply to name the feeling that pops up (being triggered) that would usually lead to watching porn. Perhaps it's temptation or craving. I say it out loud: "I feel temptation." No judgment, simply state what I feel. I remind myself that I don't have to act on that feeling. I simply note it's there and go on with my life.
The second part is used when the feeling resists simple dismissal. Now I normally would either fight it or give up to it. The result would depend on my neocortex beating my "lizard brain". The result is uncertain. To improve the odds, I try to disrupt the self-reinforcing loop of behaviour immediately:
Trigger -> Urge -> | Disrupt | (-> P -> M -> O)
A good way to disrupt is to distract. After naming the urge, and after realizing it's uncomfortably strong, I immediately go do something else on purpose. Go elsewhere. Do chin up or push ups. Call somebody. Send a few text messages. Again, I remind myself I don't have to act on the feeling as I come back to do whatever I was supposed to do before the temptation started. Hopefully I then have easier time resisting and can proceed with my plans.
If the urge not only resists dismissal, but also becomes stronger, it's then time to take out my second tool.
The second tool is delaying. If I'm having difficulties with the urges and disrupting them immediately with distraction doesn't work, I stall and delay. It varies, but I've decided to try a 30 minute form; I give myself the option to decide either to PMO or not to PMO after 30 minutes;
First I start the clock.
Second, after 30 minutes, I try out the "naming and disrupting" tool.
Third, if that doesn't quite work, but I can still resist, I start the 30 minute clock again.
Fourth, if I simply can't resist another 30 minutes, I let myself PMO. Afterwards I'll analyze the situation for clues to explain my weakness or strength of the urge.