Maybe accurate to say I am sex slave. In the past you could see your slaver's face. Today you look in the mirror. This maybe sounds a bit more harsh than it is. But can't help but feel like there is some truth to this.
Maybe the term porn slave is quite accurate and on point.
I have a choice to either hold P thoughts in my mind or not. It is slightly more complicated than this as there are some emotional issues that needs to be processed and ancestral issues and some other issues etc. But for the most part it is true.
Hi, EW.
I know how this feels, and it has certainly manifested like this in my life and experience. At times, it may still show up like this. But this is all thought, feelings, and/or urges.
This is only how it appears to you, and with emotional energy we make it all the more 'true' and we find ourselves fighting with ourselves.
Truth: the brain is just innocently doing what brains do, bringing up certain behaviors that [seemed] to work in the past when we felt overwhelmed, stressed, upset, or have a busy mind.
Action: when feeling this way, just accept it nonjudgmentally, take a few deep breaths then go about your day. If it reappears, same non-response.
Of course viewing ourselves as a sex-slave or porn-slave is just an interpretation on a physiological misunderstanding (your brain trying to help you, though- thanks, but no thanks). And, of course, this interpretation can only disempower us.
As to your latest struggles, or p-thoughts arising, again, the lower brain is just trying to help you. But, whatever the issue (not necessary to discover), it will dissipate on its own, without any of the extras (p-subs or p, or even mo).