Oh man Harpoon, the "playing a character" thing hits so close to home. Then there's the resentment when you just don't feel like dancing for them, like you're letting them down. You need to give yourself permission to be upset. You have permission to not put on a fake smile and when someone asks what's wrong you don't have to say anything, or you can say "I'm struggling right now". People struggle, they fall down, they make mistakes. My whole life I've felt the same way, that I'm a big phoney that puts on an act. The problem with the act is it allows you to not ever deal with anything because it's not really you, you know?
This forum is great, but porn is a symptom to a larger problem sometimes and to me it sounds like you're using it as a way to escape, and if that's the case, I would suggest you seek out therapy, in whatever form you can. You talk about training the body hard, it's time to give the same effort in your head, because it is hard work and it is exhausting, but you're important. You're not alone, in the struggles with porn or anything else. We're here for you!