Is M in and of itself problematic or is P the problem


I'm new to this website and I think it's great. P is a huge issue, as well as any other kind of stiumulus we use.

Is abstaining from M completely, instead of just avoiding P, useful too? There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this.


New Member
Hi Suprastim, welcome!

I've had similar thoughts to you and found that M without P is more realistic for me than giving up both.

I find that without P, I am wanting to M nowhere near as much as before.

Maybe the danger is that continuing to M could lead to temptation to use P.

Have you read the book YBOP? That was a genuine revelation to me about the impact of P on my brain!


Active Member
Welcome suprastim,

For me M and O is too similar to PMO in terms what is happening in my brain and that's why i avoid both and only have O with the GF. For me this is necessary as i don't believe that my MO behaviour was very normal. Can anyone tell what normal MO is in here? I guess not with certainty.
Leaving both alone leads me more to the GF because this is the only way i can give my libido what it needs, which would be intimacy, tenderness and love.

One last thing, when i MO for times in two days and my GF wants intimacy on the second day i will not have real and upstanding libido which i then need. Too bad, and that all for MO? Not anymore, been there, done that.


imsorrynotsorry said:
For me M and O is too similar to PMO in terms what is happening in my brain and that's why i avoid both

Exactly. That's why I avoid it too. It's too close to PMO for me to mess with it right now. I've done it and I dealt with a hard chaser effect all day, just like the chaser effect of PMO, and I had big craving to do it one more time. Masturbation might not be bad but abusing it is, and being pushed back to PMO by it is too.



suprastim said:
I'm new to this website and I think it's great. P is a huge issue, as well as any other kind of stiumulus we use.

Is abstaining from M completely, instead of just avoiding P, useful too? There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this.

Why do you want to masturbate?


Icandoit said:
imsorrynotsorry said:
For me M and O is too similar to PMO in terms what is happening in my brain and that's why i avoid both

Exactly. That's why I avoid it too. It's too close to PMO for me to mess with it right now. I've done it and I dealt with a hard chaser effect all day, just like the chaser effect of PMO, and I had big craving to do it one more time. Masturbation might not be bad but abusing it is, and being pushed back to PMO by it is too.

What is a chaser effect?


suprastim said:
What is a chaser effect?

With time, just one PMO is not enough. Most of us (if not all) end up having more than one PMO session in a day. "Binging" is when you PMO several times in a day, and as we get used to binging, one PMO is not enough and it creates a craving for a second one, and a third one etc. Even regular masturbation created for me a craving for more. First masturbation session worked because I had mad urges but a second one looked unsatisfactory, because I didn't have the same level of urges, so I started thinking about turning myself on a lot more with porn. And this is the slippery slope, this is how you end up back to porn. From what I've read and watched, masturbation rarely worked for porn addicts because of the risk of going back to porn. I personally prefer to refrain from it until at least I can declare that I am not a porn addict anymore. Then we'll see, but I don't think I would want to masturbate as much if it wasn't for the porn addiction. I think it's the addicted brain's attempt to get dopamine.


Active Member
In addition, the chaser effect to MO or PMO is lasting 1-3 days from my experience. It is an urge to MO or PMO and it feels 'right' but it is just a fake P induced feeling you get after a PMO or MO or O with the GF/wife.

You see, the chaser can be a real problem.