Hi, my name is Phineas- and I am NOT an addict. I am free from P, PMO and MO.
Focus is all important. There is an example from the gospels (see Mt 14:22-33), we all know that Christ walked on the water. But, Peter also walked on the water to go to Jesus, "If it's really you (and not a phantasm), bid be to come to you out on the water..." And Peter, as his eyes were fixed on Jesus, did the impossible, and walked on the water. But as soon as he looked around, saw the tumultuous waves, felt the strong wind, he faltered and began to sink- until he cried out, "Lord, save me!"
The point is that what we focus on either keeps us 'going under', or it supports us, and enables us to do the seeming impossible. If we focus on what's true- not on what we think is true based on circumstances (the wind and the waves)- like, "Well, I've always fallen in this area!" We will continue to sink. How do we rise above? How do we do the seemingly impossible, the miraculous? Can we be objective? Can we afix our attention to who we were meant to be in the grand scheme, or are we too focused on our problems?
If we're always falling, change focus. If we're repeating unwanted patterns of behavior, change focus. Even if we've slipped a little, it needn't become a full on lapse or relapse- change focus.
This is true of me, even recently. Certain behavioral patterns surface, especially when driven by emotional cues. And it used to be that the whole mechanism of acting out would be set in motion, even if it took days, until I'd finally cross my red-line behaviors. I used to even look forward to lapsing so that I could again refocus, and retool- if need be. But now I'm like, 'How do I prevent this from becoming my [seemingly] inevitable lapse? How can I disrupt this? In the moment I could disrupt, distract- but I'd be back, if not tomorrow, the day after. What could I do to pull back from this?
Change focus, even in the moment. Give yourself a break. Don't beat yourself up over a little mistake. Yes, if resolve is needed, find it. If a tweek in your plan is needed, make it. But don't shame yourself for something that needn't drag you down. Every day is a new day to be a new you, not only so, but every moment seize the 'truest you' even if it seems outside of you- out on the water.