Day 26,
I was parking my bike at work place and there was some road obstruction that i was struggling with. There was an insect that was passing by near the tires which I was mindful not to trash.
As I was doing all the adjustment, twisting & turing One of the colleague that I work with was passing by. Somthing in me told me to Quicken (possibly Shame or something) and I speed up and trashed the insect. Something in me felt bad for what I had done.
This incident was tiny yet had an impact on me. How our small actions can do harm to others. In the context of PMO (in past).Post PMO I remember feeling impulsive, Irrational, mindless and having no control over Thoughts, Feeling or Behaviour. In such a state I must have unknowing harmed many.
My sincere apology to all those I have hurt. May you all be free from suffering and find peace