Hey there SebNZ,
It's been a while since I caught up on your journal, or posted in it, so thought I'd drop by, so to speak. Reading your post from around a month ago, the below very much resonated with me:
However I had a bit of an epiphany last night while thinking about this in bed. Instead of attacking the problem at the action point, which is kind of the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff approach, maybe I should change my environment and daily structure so I'm not having those thoughts in the first place. I can't change my genetics, but I can change my environment. My environment at the moment has developed in a way that really pushes me towards porn. This is because:
- I live alone
- I'm off work
- I have a decent amount of money
- I have no responsibilities (no GF, children)
- I have friends but they never 'pop in'
- My hobbies are very much focused on the computer or a TV (music production, DJing, gaming, online shopping, movies/TV)
- I have a very structured daily routine that, again, mainly involves the computer with some limited social interaction and outside time.
I have probably developed my life like this for a couple of reasons. 1) I'm quite shy and sensitive so over time I have withdrawn from society, and this has gathered pace as I've gained the ability to do it more and more (e.g. being able to afford to live by myself was only an option since a few years ago). 2) This structure is conducive to porn use.
In fact, I think my porn use thrives on this life structure. Or put another way, porn use helps me MAINTAIN this structure. I'm able to get my sexual and excitement needs met through porn and I can keep doing all of the above things. If I do decide to go out socially, and it doesn't go well, I can come home and satisfy myself with porn. The structure is quite sustainable in an extremely maladaptive way.
This is why using things like Covenant Eyes or will power to white knuckle my way through is never going to work. They are like a pathetic amount of power against all the structural forces I have in place that are maintaining the addiction.
So I have some decisions to make I guess. Continue living within this structure and keep hoping (pretending?) that I'm going to stop looking at porn. Or, start breaking down the structure and replace it with different things. Like, instead of living by myself, move in with a housemate. Or take up a hobby that requires a lot of outside time, like a sport.
Although my 'environment' list is slightly different to yours, it's probably different to the extent that lemons and limes are different, or carrots and parsnips; apologies for a somewhat terrible analogy!! In essence, even though my list is not exactly the same, there are many similarities but more importantly, the outcomes of these environmental situations probably cause very similar outcomes for us both. One of these outcomes being a tendency towards using P, particularly when it's proactive usage. I, too, found that when I'd go out socially, pre-Covid-19 of course, be it for after-work drinks, drinks with friends or a full-blown night out, the consumption of alcohol combined with almost never managing to garner any female attention, even if just minor or in passing, would often result in a feeling of deep melancholy. By the time I returned back to my flat, the Tube journey home had given me more than enough time to focus on my loneliness and let me add another occasion to my mental tracker where all other my friends were being 'hit on' except me. By the time I got in bed, the alcohol-induced 'f*ck it' mindset was usually in full swing and I'd PMO just feel some sort of sense of pleasure and 'intimacy'. Many a sober period was disrupted by a high blood-alcohol level.
Regarding internet P-blockers, in the early days of my recovery - maybe Years 1 or 2 - I installed a P-blocker during a really difficult period, recovery-wise. The problem I experienced was that when the mood took me (re: wanting to consume P), I begin furiously hunting for any website, image or video that the P-blocker wasn't picking-up. I'd sometimes be searching for 30+ minutes, just to find something to 'get off', and would quickly whip myself into a kind if frenzy, desperate to find some P. Not too long after installing the P blocker I needed a new laptop and I made the conscious decision not reinstall the P-blocker, for two reasons. Firstly, I reflected that the furious hunting and searching for P was probably doing far more damage (in all senses of the word) than if I was able to rapidly access P and then quickly PMO. And secondly, I felt that my recovery would never truly work if I was having to rely on a P-blocker; to recover properly requires total self control rather than a reliance on supplementary measures. In short, I agree with you about P-blockers.
Lastly, regarding the structure of your current situation, I again agree that it's important to consider what may need to be changed, even if reluctantly. The items you mention are relatively big decisions and therefore big changes but don't forget that just small changes can have significant effects. Not to elaborate too much but after a recent PMO event that brought to the end a significant period of sobriety, I implemented what was, by anyone's standards, a very small change. The change was to switch off my tv, at the plug socket, before 10pm EVERY night. This was because for such a long time now I'd tune into those 'babe' call in shows that started at 10pm. I wouldn't call in but would enjoy watching. And once I was watching I would often then start consuming P on my phone. They we both intrinsically linked. Since I've made sure my tv is switched off before 10pm, my avoidance of P and stimulating material has been close to perfect. So yeah, do consider changing things up and maybe moving out of your 'comfort zone' a little but also reflect on changing those less significant, but maybe habitual, 'structures' in your life that may be things that indirectly and / or subtly push you towards P consumption.
Anyway, hope you have been keeping well since your last post and that the healthy habits and routines you were working on are continuing.