Flip Phone to Smart phone


Hello everyone, my name is Jay. I am on this forum because I have an addiction to porn; I started to notice it about 5 years ago. After I got married, I got rid of my smart phone and down graded to a flip phone so I wouldn't have that temptation. I have been sober for 30 days now, and I have been thinking about getting another smart phone; so my questions are, is it a good idea to get a smart phone and what is the best way to have one while still in recover? For example, are there any anti-porn software for mobile devices or any apps. If so, how do they help with the recovery process?       

I have dreamed of getting a flip phone and getting rid of my smartphone to avoid triggers and feel human again without always looking at my phone. But to answer your question, yes, there are solutions; I have Covenant Eyes, which works with smartphones to block porn. However, there are a few snags with it that a crafty addict can find a way around it. But most of those snags can be resolved; they just require a little discipline and the help of friends or family. I'll put the link to the website below and two videos that explain it. Totally worth it. It has helped me a great deal. Good luck. If you do get it, and notice a snag, talk to me and maybe I can help you.





hey thanks for replying to my question. i have been using a flip phone for about 4 years now. in this day and age everybody has a smartphone and smart phones seem to be needed more and more in life. thank for reply to me and i hope you stay safe and clean J
Yeah, in answer to your one question, I would say stick with a flip phone, but it's not really possible or realistic in today's world, and there are ways to have a smartphone and use it wisely and appropriately.