What you give is what you get (I went 580 days. Relapsed. Finally back on track.


Active Member
Day 7. Intensive work periods are always a good time to change habits. Feels like I have no urges at all when I'm working. That I have a partner right now helps as well. She is sadly depressed and I'm not sure if she wants to be with me in the long run. Probably not. I hope I can help her through her depression. Still, I have to remember that you can't be responsible for diminishing other people's suffering. I can only take responsibility for my actions. It feels good to be back here. Take care!


Active Member
This is very relatable to me. I have had many similar experiences where scantly clad YouTube leads to more hardcore usage a few days or weeks later. It’s a bummer how many triggers are out there and how accessible porn is, makes things difficult. You got this room, sending you long distance support!
Thank you Kraken. I didn't see your post because I went back to the P-slumber. Now I am awake again, hopefully for longer than 83 days.


Active Member
Day 49 (22/12-24). Feeling the itch. It feels like a tide slowly moving towards the shore. I hope I can find a way to not face it unprepared.


Active Member
Day 1. This is what happens when I just collect P-free-days without any actual effort to program my mind. It is like waiting for the tide to come in.
I have to use that safe time to build myself a structure to keep myself above the surface of the water when the tide comes. I didn't this time.
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