When you believe in magic


Active Member
Day 16

No porn today.

I am still riding the flatline. I don't feel sexual at all. However, I'm not feeling bad either. No depression, fatigue, trouble sleeping or anything. So that's good.

No morning wood or spicy dreams whatsoever. I did notice that a couple of girls who didn't look like hookers, narco girlfriends, or instagram duckfaces caught my eye today on the street, and I was able to appreciate their beauty. Just normal women, no silicone. I wasn't being a creep or anything, I just noticed that, which I'm thinking it's a good sign that things are slowly coming back to normal.

I still care very little about moving my projects along, and I continue to enjoy these beautiful sunny days riding my motorcycle. I take it, I needed this break. However, deadlines are nearing and I need to get back to work. I just can't seem to want to engage. Never experienced procrastination from joy instead of from anxiety, so that's interesting. It'll come, I guess.

Exercise, box breathing and hydration, check. Good nutrition not so much today. I had the most delicious burger with artisanal fries for lunch. So what.

Life is sooo good right now. I feel grateful for that.

As grateful as I am towards Gabe and the formidable community here, I made the decision that once I hit 90 days, I'll stop journaling here no matter how far along I am. Less than that if my PIED goes away sooner. I don't want this to define me for the rest of my life. I don't want to be the recovering porn-addict forever. I will surely come back to comment on other guys' journals eventually, but this needs to have an end date. We have to continue evolving and move on to different things. Otherwise, this too will become a crutch.

See you tomorrow.


Deleted member 17609

Well, we might as well enjoy your presence while you?re here, you really bring some fresh air to the forum. I?ll probably have to leave it behind at some point too, I?m just not there yet. After almost one year away from porn, it?s not that I see myself as an ex-porn addict who needs a forum to stay clean, it?s just that PIED is still there. I don?t know why I write these random thoughts in your journal... But I feel you, we have to continue evolving and move on to other things at some point.

Have a good day, man!


Active Member
Day 17 - Post mortem

My day ended at 1:00 AM last night, and I went to bed without journaling, so here's Saturday's autopsy.

No porn. By this point this part is effortless. No cravings, no substitutes with other types of sexual visual stimulation, like lingerie catalogues or anything like that. I might be wrong, but as I said before, I don't think I'll ever even consider it again. Fingers crossed.

Again, I took out the motorcycle around town. I wonder if this is becoming some sort of thrill-seeking activity to compensate for the other thing. I noticed, however, that I'm driving very slowly and just paying attention to what is going on around me. Breathing it all in. It feels more like meditation than Bucky Barns escaping Black Panther in Civil War.

I have now understood that I am avoiding work. Actively, and that scares me as a possible sign of underlying depression. I don't feel depressed though. On the contrary, I feel very positive about life. Elated. However, being able to function is crucial for recovery and it feels that my working-self just punched out and never came back into work. I am beginning to think that's how the flatline is manifesting itself; read on.

Last night my girlfriend and I corroborated that I am fully into a flatline. A lifeless-dick impervious to any stimulus and to a great degree incapable of getting aroused. We were expecting this to happen. Back when I started my reboot and brought her in the loop, I also sent her this video: https://youtu.be/D1l9hQtcjgE which kind of gives you an idea of what's in store for a rebooter (there's a part one of that video too for people with milder cases). Back then, we made the decision to ride it out without viagra hoping that, without that artificial crutch, the body will reach homeostasis at a healthy level of hormones and neurotransmitters faster. We might be deluded, don't take this as advice and we don't really know what faster really means. Is it 6 weeks, 4 months, a year and a half, we don't know.

I still kissed her and caressed her with love. I tried to make her feel that I was connected to her. She dry humped me and got off that way and as weird as that was, I was thrilled to flatline this hard because I thought it was working and since she knew what to expect, her feelings were not hurt and she didn't get self-conscious (at least I think it seemed that way; I sure hope so). We didn't even try to make me cum. We don't want to fall into other Pavlovian rituals just yet. I felt nothing, not the least bit horny, not an ounce of pleasure. We had a loving moment and laughed and talked afterwards. I do realize that she'll only be fine with this for a while and anxiety will kick in eventually and we'll have to make a decision when that time comes whether to keep our no-viagra policy going.

Exercise, box breathing, hydration, and nutrition in check.

Bilbo Baggins said:
Well, we might as well enjoy your presence while you?re here, you really bring some fresh air to the forum. I?ll probably have to leave it behind at some point too, I?m just not there yet. After almost one year away from porn, it?s not that I see myself as an ex-porn addict who needs a forum to stay clean, it?s just that PIED is still there. I don?t know why I write these random thoughts in your journal... But I feel you, we have to continue evolving and move on to other things at some point. Have a good day, man!

My dear Bilbo, I really appreciate your words and I welcome your random thoughts in my journal. We all are looking for connection in this universe and this is a way to connect. The more, the merrier. After reading your message, I realized how insensitive and selfish I was to post that 90-day thing. Especially knowing how vulnerable we all are here and how we take cues from the journals of others to reflect on what is going on with ourselves. I suddenly felt that I should tell myself to get off my high horse. I also thought of editing it out, but I decided not to. These mistakes are also part of this and it might also be a mechanism to hide my vulnerabilities from myself and others. We all should embrace our journeys.

I will, however, apologize for being insensitive to your situation and that of others here. My own's as well. It is not what I intended. I work in international aid and development and I've seen the dangers of perpetuating victim roles. You see, when a disaster strikes (say a hurricane that wipes out entire communities), one of the solutions that governments and aid agencies tend to push is the creation of victim villages. They lump together people from different areas who don't have previous social bonds into one permanent "refugee camp". To add insult to injury, they usually name these villages with the date of the disaster. When offered this type of free precarious housing and some money, people say yes and it's as if they agree to get a tattoo with the word "victim" on their foreheads. They never leave the victim role, they jump from assistance program to assistance program. These places become ghettos and many years later--decades, actually--there is a lot of social decomposition inside of them, with rampant poverty, crime, different forms of abuse.

Another approach is keeping them alive in the days after the tragedy with food and shelter, and then helping them out with their own solutions. For example, they have friends or relatives that would have taken them in, regardless of government help. Then they go for that solution, but the government can give some money with a time-limit to those families willing to take in their relatives in so that social bonds are maintained and strengthened. At the same time, the other priority is helping them rebuild whatever income activity they lost or want to start. These people become fighters for themselves and leave the victim role as soon as they can. That approach has been more successful in my mind. What is the equivalent in life after porn? And that, my friend, was the train of thought that led to me just insensitively blurting out the 90-day thing.

I was thinking, there are definitely many benefits to journaling during addiction recovery. It's a way of appeasing the mind, reducing anxiety, getting an emotional release and coping. But it is also true that what you resist, persists. Our brains are like the YouTube algorithm. Whatever you engage most, you get more of. You see where I am going. At some point, journaling and reading about this particular problem that we have, will start to eat into the time we need to be curious about life and to fill it with other great experiences and real life connections, and will start to define us. I want to be defined by other things and for that to happen I have to be able to try other things and engage with a different type of content.

You told me you liked how I write. I had never given that a thought, imagine. How nice would it be to explore that in another setting. Perhaps journaling about life in general and other topics.

But I feel you too. I have been struggling with PIED for a few years now and it does feel like a curse. It is also very hard no to have it on your mind always. I have ruled out medical issues, and I have gotten my testosterone levels up naturally with exercise and nutrition. That didn't work but I continue to do things to maintain those two things in an optimal place because I don't want them to become a contributing factor. From what I read, I feel rebooting might be the answer to this puzzle. However, if it doesn't work eventually, I will continue keeping this in check, lest it become a contributing factor, and I'll keep looking. That's why there is a time limit for my journal, so that I can move on.

I understand how you must feel a year into it, thinking "why wasn't I one of the cases that takes four months?", while still trusting the process. But think of it as a tool you've added to your belt, and continue to look for things in real life worth living for. I would encourage you not regurgitate this much longer my friend.

Deleted member 17609

That was a very beautiful post. Don?t worry, Hugo, you weren?t insensitive or anything else, I think you?re right about moving on. What you wrote about the ways to help victims from disasters and the perpetuation of victims roles is very interesting. I encourage you to stick to your plan and to use this forum the way you think is best for you. Actually, you made realize that I should do this too, at least take a break for a while. I?ve been coming here everyday for almost a year, and while it has been very beneficial to receive advice from other guys, I think it would be good to think about PIED and recovery a little less. Yeah, it gets heavy at some point. Thanks a lot for sharing all that.

I don?t think I have to write much about your flatline, because you seem so optimistic and well informed that you probably don?t need much exterior input. Hats off for having such a good attitude with your reboot (no wonder why you work in international aid!). It?s not always easy to reboot when you?re in a relationship, but all the ingredients are there for you. I hope things start to improve for you soon, and that it won?t be too hard for your girlfriend.

Take care, Hugo, you?re the man.


Active Member
Day 18

No porn today. I don't know if it's the flatline, but I feel like I've never watched porn. I don't recall scenes, or porn stars or anything. I hope it just gets buried deeper and deeper.

I woke up late today with good morning wood. It hung around a little longer than before. About a minute or two after I woke up. Back to flatline after that. Those things operate on completely different pathways as the other boners. It amazes me how it gives you glimpses of what you could be, and then it just goes away. Me and my girlfriend don't live together and she didn't stay over last night, so there was no pressure. She spent the day with her mom today.

Saw WandaVision's finale, but I won't spoil it for whoever hasn't. After that, I watched a video by this guy named Jim Kwik (https://youtu.be/uT_GcOGEFsk) and it dawned on me that I just don't have a method, a process to engage with my work and that's why it's so easy for me to ditch it. I'm just winging it. So I decided to design a process to become "the guy that puts out great work consistently and on time" in my field, instead of being "the guy who evades responsibility because of his limp dick" and make a conscious effort to take my work to the next level. After all, engaging can also be a habit; it's a matter of learning to engage. You know, to keep myself busy during this reboot and maybe get something else out of it, aside the obvious.

No exercise and no good nutrition today. It's Sunday. Hydration and box breathing were ok.

Bilbo Baggins said:
It?s not always easy to reboot when you?re in a relationship, but all the ingredients are there for you. I hope things start to improve for you soon, and that it won?t be too hard for your girlfriend.

Thank you Bilbo. Oh, I see that monster lurking around the corner. She's fine now, but I can see her growing weary of this if it doesn't improve sooner, rather than later.


Active Member
Day 19

No porn today. This part is effortless now. No cravings whatsoever. None.

Flatline still on. In the words of Gillette: "Iny weeny teeny weeny, shriveled little short dick man." Powering through.

Today was very uneventful. I watched this NPR tiny desk concert and it moved me https://youtu.be/JODaYjDyjyQ

I don't know if it's the flatline but I just stared at it, entranced. Her music is just sublime. She's an old soul. I don't mean her age. You can tell she's been in this world for a long time. I used to think I was an old soul too and that we recognized each other like Highlanders. Sans the head chopping, of course. I don't feel that way about myself anymore, which is a shame. I guess it happened when my dad died when I was 35 and I actually became old. I mean, I felt that's when I finally became a grown-up. It's been a while since I last met an old soul. I haven't been looking.

Remember Jim Kwik, from yesterday's post? Well I went ahead and bought his book: "Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life." Fascinating read. Everyone here should read it.

In it, I was reminded of the Reticular Activating System (go google it) and the concept of asking the right questions, because for that is what your whole self is going to go try and find answers. Powerful stuff for what brought us together to Reboot Nation. I feel I have to write at length about that, but I'll let it seep in a little longer.

Exercise, nutrition, box breathing and hydration in check.

That's all I got for you today. See you tomorrow.

I'm grateful for the beautiful music in this world.


Active Member
Day 20

That's a month in the Mayan calendar. Although, there was no end of the world in 2012, so I'm not sure I can trust them.

No porn. No cravings or anything. I also have not masturbated in those 20 days at all.

Still riding the flatline. Penis seems it's going to pop inside of how tiny it is. The head is barely showing. Balls seem unaffected.

I haven't mentioned that aside of my power routine (hydration, exercise, nutrition and box breathing), I've also been sprinkling into the mix cold showers, keto-ish nutrition, time-restricted eating, weight-lifting, daily strawberries and raspberries, avocados, cod liver oil, meditation, journaling (here) and good sleep, in case any of that sticks. Not everything every day, though. I want those dopamine receptors back and I'm throwing everything at them. I am sure it's having an effect that goes beyond just the reboot.

I am grateful for the great people in my life.



Active Member
Days 21 and 22

No porn, no masturbation, no sex, no nothing.

I turned 40 yesterday and my mom turned 68. My future mother in-law and my girlfriend made dinner for us. They are of Chinese descent and it was the most delicious thing in the history of dinners for forty-year-olds. My girlfriend had this black dress and high heels. She looked gorgeous. I wanted so bad to have sex with her. It didn't happen because we were at her mom's and I came back home by myself at like 1 am. We both know I'm still on the flatline anyway and we'll see what happens this weekend. I don't feel as dead inside sexually, but my penis is still just a tiny stump. I did notice a bit of precum from desiring her all through dinner.

Today was okay again. I went to get some coffee and I did notice a few girls checking me out at various times. What's that all about? That was interesting. I read about it in other guys testimonials and I'm puzzled why that is. I'm sure it's not just confidence and not looking desperate. I believe there might be a chemical component to it, like pheromones or something like that, because it's really obvious and exaggerated the way they act. Not that I acted on any of that, but I liked the attention.

Three weeks have gone by, wow. Just like that.

Hydration, box breathing, nutrition, and exercise, all good.

See you tomorrow.



Hi Hugo/otanerferguson
Happy birthday even if 2 days after!
Congratulations, I see you're going very well.
Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Day 23

No porn. None. No masturbation. No substitutes.

I am amazed of how we humans think we are special and "our thing" is somehow different. And yet, like clockwork, A LOT of the things you read in tens of journals of rebooters are happening to me around the same number of days as it happened to them. Today I experienced seminal leakage after peeing. Just a little while ago, at the end of the day. While I was peeing, I felt like a dollop or blob forming in my urethra and prostate. It's a sensation that makes you gulp. Like you're passing a jelly-shot. No pain whatsoever, just this sensation. After peeing I relaxed my PC muscle and just crunched my abs (it's also a perfect way of sharting your pants, btw, although it didn't happen this time :p) and sure enough, a big drop of seminal fluid came out (like precum mixed with cum, sticky creamy stuff, sorry for the visual). Plop in the toilet!

Now, I did not fantasize about girls or found myself in sexy situations with women or anything. On the contrary, my flatline is still going strong, so my penis is still a stub and I don't have much interest in sex or anything erotic. This dollop thing used to happen to me many years ago, in my teen years, after going to a high-school dance or the like and getting blue balled by a girl who would only rub against me, and at most, make out with me, and send me packing with a full-on boner that wouldn't quit.

But this time, there was none of that, so it was weird to have it happen just because. Since I had read about it in the journals of a few rebooters, it didn't freak me out, but it did serve as a warning to make sure I avoid an unwanted pregnancy from "just sticking it in a bit" (if it works eventually, of course).

Overall, I kinda liked that this happened, because it feels like I'm making progress.

This week I had the hardest time trying to focus on my work, although I had some insights while procrastinating on how to avoid this, so let's take the good. It's not brain fog, I feel fine, executive function ok. It's just I don't care and don't want to care. But I have also read that this is normal. They even warn people that want to reboot during exams and final paper deadlines.

I feel grateful for Gabe, Reboot Nation and other sites like this, because the testimonials really make you feel okay that these things that are happening to you are normal and are nothing to be concerned about. Let alone, use them as excuses to test yourself or relapse. They even encourage you to stay the course, because you can also see that many of the guys that lived through these things, have also success stories to share and it gives you hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train coming in the opposite direction.

Exercise, nutrition, box breathing, and hydration in check.

roark said:
Hi Hugo/otanerferguson
Happy birthday even if 2 days after!
Congratulations, I see you're going very well.
Keep up the good work!

Heey roark! Thank you for the good wishes and the encouragement man. I appreciate it a lot. I hope you are doing great as well!!!!


Active Member
Days 24 and 25

No porn. None.

I spent the weekend on an eternal Zoom call receiving catholic marriage guidance. It is a marriage requirement here. I thought I would dread it, but I quite liked it. It was taught by various couples of more than 25 years of marriage. They had very nice things to share about sexuality, about finances, about conflict management.

We did not get sexual with my girlfriend, but I still got seminal leakage after peeing. This in contrast to my complete disinterest in sex. Very freaky. This time full-on semen. A white blob. From other journals and Scandinavian Bob, this week it would seem that I would be getting more attention from women and next week I'd be regaining some of my clarity of purpose and focus. But since the attention from women happened last week, I am hoping I am able to focus on my work this week. Actually looking forward to engaging.

No exercise, no hydration, no box-breathing, no good nutrition. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Grateful for the woman I am marrying and the great advise from these couples over the weekend. I'm even more convinced she is the one.

See ya tomorrow!


Active Member
Day 26

No porn. No masturbation in these 26 days.

Coming to think of it. I might not want to masturbate again. I'm not sure, I might. Never say never, but I kind of don't want to. When I recover from my PIED I want to use my penis only after that incredible anticipation of seeing a beautiful consenting woman naked in real life, getting a solid hard on that won't quit, and then sticking it in her. Present in the moment.

Just knowing that my masturbatory habits related to porn have me in this helpless position today is enough to not want to repeat it if it gets fixed. Of course, I know that masturbation is not the problem, masturbating to porn is, but I guess it'll be that much better if I only stick to a real woman when I get it back. I really want to rock my girl's world and enjoy myself doing it too.

No seminal leakage today. Line continues to be very much flat. Very. I had a ten minute cold shower today. Timed it too.

I am at peace with the world. No stress, but also missing motivation. A little dead inside. Not much progress on the work front. I keep making excuses and I've run out of time. Now I need to get my shit together, but I realize I've been saying this from the beginning of the reboot. I took a long, long nap today. What gives?

Nutrition, exercise, hydration and box-breathing in check today.

I am grateful for being alive and well. Can't wait to hit 60 days. I'm almost half of the way there.

See ya tomorrow.

Nick Simons

Active Member
Hey Hugo,

Just wanted to say congrats on your 26 days ... and offer up encouragement as you continue on your journey to 60 days!  I have been reading your journal as I am at a similar stage in my escape from being a porn user (today is day 20 for me) and I am experiencing similar feelings of being at peace with the world, no stress ... but also missing some motivation on the work front and a little dead inside.  All good though and part of the recovery process so keep up your awesome efforts!

Also as a weird coincidence, I also stumbled across Jim Kwik about a month ago and bought his book / online "Kwik Start" program.  I actually haven't started it yet but will be shortly.  Cheers.



Active Member
Day 27

No porn. No masturbation. No joie de vivre.

I am still living in a two-dimensional world occupied by geometric figures, whereof women are simple line-segments, while men are polygons with various numbers of sides. Welcome to Flatland.

Today I was able to engage in my work with not much resistance. Didn't get much done, though, but it was nice to sit down and actually work without my mind racing to find whatever else to do. I might be getting over the hump.

Exercise, nutrition, box-breathing, and hydration in check.

I am grateful that my girlfriend made it to a far far away village and back in one piece. 6 hours in and 6 hours out on mountain dirt roads. She's in charge of awarding a large co-investment fund to finance thousands of smallholder coffee farmers so that they can use the most profitable and modern growing technologies tailored to their conditions and she meets with them every few months in the field. Everything is going superb. I am so proud of her. She's kicking butt. And the smallholder farmers are too, collectively surpassing all sales and export targets. But now she's back safe in a hotel in a small city out West. Still 5 hours away from here but on asphalt from then on.

Bilbo Baggins said:
Man, I just read your journal. You write incredibly well, it was just like reading a novel. Thanks a lot for sharing that, I enjoyed reading about your background and life history. Good luck on your journey.

Circling back to this point, Bilbo, I was thinking that over the past ten years I must have started some 5 blogs, and I have abandoned all of them less than a week after starting them. I write technical reports and papers on the development work I do for a living and oftentimes I get peer reviewer comments asking me to make my language more academic and less "vivid", which I've always hated. Why am I required to write in such a sterile tone?

Steven Pressfield writes in Turning Pro on shadow careers that "when we?re terrified of embracing our true calling, we?ll pursue a shadow calling instead. That shadow career is a metaphor for our real career. Its shape is similar, its contours feel tantalizingly the same. But a shadow career entails no real risk. If we fail at a shadow career, the consequences are meaningless to us."

When I was a teen, I wanted to write essays for Newsweek from far flung locations around the world. I could never think of a topic on which to write. I never got around to doing it.

Anyway, I am certain this is the longest I've gone writing every day (or almost every day). Who would have thought that my longest running non-fiction column would be a chronicle about my masturbation habits and porn usage.

I owe it to my teen self to do something with this newfound habit.

Nick Simons said:
Hey Hugo,

Just wanted to say congrats on your 26 days ... and offer up encouragement as you continue on your journey to 60 days!  I have been reading your journal as I am at a similar stage in my escape from being a porn user (today is day 20 for me) and I am experiencing similar feelings of being at peace with the world, no stress ... but also missing some motivation on the work front and a little dead inside.  All good though and part of the recovery process so keep up your awesome efforts!

Also as a weird coincidence, I also stumbled across Jim Kwik about a month ago and bought his book / online "Kwik Start" program.  I actually haven't started it yet but will be shortly.  Cheers.

Hey Nick, thank you for the much needed encouragement. Like I've written before, one tends to think that what's happening to oneself is somehow different to everyone else's journey, and, not that I am glad that you are missing motivation on the work front, but it's nice to not feel alone in these experiences. You are right that we need to view them from the perspective that we are making headway. Congratulations on the 20 days. Power to you my friend.

I found Jim Kwik's book fascinating and I was tempted to buy the program, but felt that I would be doing it for the wrong reasons at this point. Just to find a magic bullet to stop procrastinating. But it feels that there is much more to it. I have taken a similar course before on Flow Performance and that's where I get my morning routine from. It makes all the difference in the world and compounds over time. I also think that's why I don't feel depressed at all and the flatline is only this peaceful stillness (which, thank you very much, I'd love to go the fuck away already, lol). I am sure you will enjoy it tremendously. Let us know how that goes. I am sure that Kwik Start's daily habits part alone will boost your recovery and kickstart your motivation.

Thank you for stopping by, reading your post felt like a positive jolt.


Active Member
Day 28

The average menstrual cycle?hand me my tampon.

No porn. No masturbation.

Just like a perfectly flat and rounded pebble, I ricocheted several times off of the pond of work while trying to engage and made it to the other shore without actually going in the water. I gave up and took the motorcycle out and came back to have an afternoon nap. Now I'm writing this to further avoid engaging. I'm still dead inside. No depression, but I want to feel alive. I don't. My penis is still the deadest dead. The beauty of progress.

I've had a pounding headache today. It feels very rewire-y. That's probably just my imagination and it's just a headache. I've noticed that I am a little desperate for stimulation. Sometimes I just want to scream aaaaarrrghhhhhhhhh. Most of the time I instinctively go to YouTube and surf the home page for a video on motorcycles or late show comedy. The problem is that it's just not interesting anymore and I know that my brain is doing it because it's looking for a substitute for the dopamine hits of porn or some other thing I've unconsciously abused or, worse, want to start abusing. YouTube is probably the format that more closely resembles a porn site too (maybe chronologically it's the other way around, but you know what I mean).

No dopamine though, I look around a bit, get bored and turn it off. After staring at the ceiling for a while, I turn it back on and then remember that there's nothing interesting there and turn it back off. Minutes later, guess what?

People will say, work on your hobbies, but I couldn't care less about hobbies right now. I am exercising and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I am not feeling depressed. But it's not like I'm shitting rainbows from working out either.

Last night, I was already in bed, ready to sleep, no hunger whatsoever and like the Manchurrian candidate I just stood up, went to the kitchen and munched on like three bowls of honey cereal, no milk. That shit is just sugary delicious poison that I keep as an occasional treat. I just had this craving for something sweet. However, it feels that such a sugar binge might interfere with the reward center sensitization and rewiring. I don't know, some sort of cross-addiction. It is probably nonsense but, after all, it's the same hypothalamus where we are trying to grow more dopamine receptors, regardless of where the stimulus is coming from (or not).

Anyway, I decided to stop watching YouTube videos, stay away from added sugar (dumped the cereal box in the garbage today), and forget about coffee from here till day 90 (this last one feels so wrong, but it's all in the name of science). I might implode or undergo mitosis from pure withdrawal. I'll let you know which one happens first.

Exercise, box breathing, hydration in check. Nutrition, ehh, you know. Surprisingly, cold showers have been very consistent too.

I am grateful to be alive, even if I don't feel alive and couldn't care less.

See ya tomorrow.


Active Member
Day 29

No porn. No masturbation.

So, my no-caffeine experiment did not go well. My brain was like "Hey, you know what, I kinda like this no porn and daily exercise thing man. We're doing alright, don't you think? What's that? No caffeine? Oh no, listen to me motherfucker, this is where I draw the line. Come here [rolling up sleeves], I'll give you something to reboot about."

By mid morning I wanted someone to put me out of my misery. I seriously wanted to die. My head hurt like hell and I couldn't keep my eyes open from how sensitive they were to light. And I could tell it was the lack of coffee, I couldn't think of anything else. I kept picturing a huge cup and just craving its aroma. That's when I said, the hell with this, I'll do the no-coffee thing after the reboot. Squinted my way to the coffee shop across the street and got me a cup. Five minutes after I drank it, I was fine again. What a ride!

And it's not like I usually drink tons of coffee. I usually have the one cup in the morning and that's it, but I truly enjoy that moment. Coupling no-caffeine with the lowest point of my reboot flatline was probably going too far. Who knows? Maybe it was psychological.

I was able to engage with work after that. Not right away, but around noon I was typing away at the computer.

Exercise, nutrition, box-breathing, hydration and cold showers in check. No YouTube either. I'll abandon the no-caffeine pledge for now.

See ya tomorrow!



Active Member
Day 30

No porn. No masturbation.

Today feels like some sort of official milestone.

It was a good day. I still got a tiny dick hanging lifeless down there. However, my mood was surprisingly different than the last few days. First of all, I woke up early at 5 am, fully rested and more motivated. I lingered in bed a bit and then started my morning routine. A couple of glasses of water, I did HIIT for 12 minutes, a session of box-breathing and, in contrast to other days, I meditated for 15 minutes using the brain.fm app right away after the other two things. Cold shower after that. I was ready at around 7. I brewed myself a cup of coffee and sat down to work and couldn't stop till 1:30 pm. Fully concentrated, very productive. I did not feel the lack of motivation that has prevented me from doing actual work over the past few weeks. Yesterday was ok in the afternoon, but today was great work-wise.

After that, I went to my mom's for our weekly lunch. It's usually on Thursdays but we moved it this week because she had errands to run. It wasn't like this for a long time. We barely saw each other over the past decade and only talked on the phone occasionally. In November 2019 she fell from a stool because she was trying to reach something from her closet and broke her arm. This was very early; she's quirky like that. She called me at 4 am and I drove there and rushed her to the emergency room. This was at the hospital from the Social Security System. They put her in a cast. Two months later, when they took it off, they told her that they had done a bad job and that they needed to break it and redo it. Just like that; bastards. I have a friend who's a Traumatologist and he was kind enough to operate her in a private clinic for a fraction of the cost. He inserted a titanium plate and the operation was a success. She had a damaged nerve and needed physical therapy, which was administered to her by the wife of another dear friend. Also for a fraction of the cost. Truly surrounded by good spirits. Angels really. Since she could not drive with her arm like that, I drove her every Tuesday and Thursday to her sessions. Even during the Pandemic lockdown, she was authorized to go and I got a sticker for my car. Eventually, they graduated her to only Thursdays.

And you know what? We had such a good time driving to and from the therapist that we really bonded like when I was a kid. She no longer has to go to therapy. She's fully recovered and her hand is great. But that's how we decided to keep having lunch with each other every Thursday. I am 40 years old and she's 68 and I enjoy her company while she's still youthful, sane, healthy. We have the most engaging conversations and laugh a lot. I cannot recommend you enough reaching out to your estranged parents. It's good for the both of you. My dad died of a heart attack like four or five years ago. I regret not spending more time with him. He had his flaws as a father, but he was an unconditional friend and I miss him.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness. That probably had nothing to do with rebooting, but it just came out of my fingertips. I guess it has to do with the therapeutic effect of journaling. On with our thing.

Looking back on these 30 days, I have to say it feels like I should be further along. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good number of days, but I kinda feel like I've been at this forever. Overall, I would say that I entered the flatline very quickly and I haven't come out of it, but it hasn't been too terrible. Very contemplative, but not depressive, which is something I am always scared of. I am sure the morning routine with exercise and breathing specifically has had a tremendous impact in the prevention of depression. Yesterday was the lowest point so far with this coffee incident that really brought me to my knees. Today was something else completely.

I wasted a whole month shirking my responsibilities and the deadlines that once seemed far away are nearing quickly. It did not feel like brain fog. It just felt like not caring at all, and being unable to engage. I spent so much time on the motorcycle, just driving away from the computer screen this month. However, if today was any indication, I am coming back with a vengeance and will have everything sorted out sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed.

I do miss feeling sexual or sexually aroused. Especially because I am otherwise healthy in every sense (as shown by the battery of tests the doctor prescribed trying to find the cause of my ED). It bugs me not to feel desire. My fianc?e has been very understanding and patient. I hope things improve before she loses that patience. Coming clean to her and involving her in every aspect of the reboot has been a very important thing. It's allowed us to tackle this together. She has been supportive like a champ, but it has also been good for her self-esteem and anxiety to know about what was happening to me and how it's not her fault in any way.

I noticed some obsessive compulsive behaviors that developed since I started the reboot. Like I said, once you wean yourself off of porn and other dopamine surging activities, like gaming and YouTube, there's a lot of time for just being there. You know, contemplating the passage of time. And I haven't been able to decide on what to do with that. I catch myself picking up the cellphone a lot. However, since I don't have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, there's nothing waiting for me there and so I just put it down again. Pick it up, fumble with the settings, and put it back down. Very OCD. It's the brain looking for some kind of hit. I also Google "urgently" all of a sudden things like "reboot withdrawal flatline timeline," or "how to upregulate dopamine receptors naturally quickly," or "the neurobiology of cross-addiction" as if I'm going to find that magic bullet. Most Google hits say "you visited this page on...". That's messed up. What you resist, persists. I've made a mental note to let it go and leave it to the universe. Just saying, expect some sort of compulsive behavior creeping in.

They say that during a reboot, people use the available time to pick up new hobbies or leverage their side businesses. Granted, they place those things around the 60 day mark, but I haven't even considered tending to my hobbies over the past 20 days. I did order film developing chemicals for my analog camera at the start of the reboot and went out to take pictures with my girlfriend, but I lost interest since. Haven't developed anything. During the worst of the Pandemic I completed all the Rookie piano lessons in Playground Sessions, but during the reboot I just look at the piano and can't be bothered.

Like I said, the one thing is that I have ridden my motorcycle more than ever during the reboot. Away from reality.

Over the past few days, I have given a lot of thought to habits and conditioning. Yes, regarding porn at first, but now expanding to every aspect of life. We truly are the little things we do every day consistently (good or bad). So that's a lesson in lifestyle design. My morning routine has prevented depression. What else could I accomplish with a similar system applied to other things? I've read this in a lot of journals of rebooters, but one genuinely ponders about what kind of person one wants to become and how to get there.

Exercise, good nutrition, hydration, box-breathing, and cold showers in check.

I am grateful for being able to stay the course for 30 days. Let's see what happens in the following days.

See ya tomorrow!


Active Member
Day 31

No porn. No masturbation.

A very uneventful day today. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and I do not have any insights to share. Flatline still on. I saw a couple of girls today that I thought to be objectively attractive, but did not feel aroused by them. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Exercise, good nutrition, hydration, box breathing and cold shower in check.

See ya tomorrow!


Active Member
Day 32

No porn,  no masturbation.

We went shopping for plants with my gf and we had a great, lovely time. We had a very intimate moment in the afternoon. I was hard 110% at first, but it came and went during our naked make out session all the way down to about 25%. I think it wouldn't have stayed hard if I had put it inside. It is still a fragile boner and I felt very matter-of-fact about it. I was not lustful. Very flatliney. But it was a loving moment. She was horny as hell, but we decided not to penetrate her, against everything in our body and souls, because we want to wait for me to orgasm at least at day 60, not to mess up the reboot. She rubbed her clit against my penis to get off. It was hard 70% when she climbed down, but went soft quickly. Although I did not orgasm, I leaked a lot of semen when I peed afterwards, big white blobs. All in all a good day, considering it's day 32 and I have a lot of rewiring and receptor up-regulating to do. This time, I really touched her and appreciated her for who she is, not fantasizing about porn scenes. Present in the moment.

Nutrition, box-breathing, hydration, exercise, meditation and cold shower in check.

I feel very determined now, let's see how it goes with work tomorrow.

I am grateful for the love of my life.

I hope you are all doing fine my friends and sincerely root for everyone's successful reboot. Much love to all.


Active Member
Day 33

No porn. No masturbation.

I felt a positive shift in my mind today. I slept well last night and woke up rested today with morning wood, which lasted well over 5 minutes after I woke up, perhaps more, not at full mast but I'll take that over nothing any day. Again, I was able to work uninterrupted this morning and was able to move forward with my work. I seriously felt like a veil was lifted and I felt motivated to engage again. It was one hell of a month. Like I've said, at no point did I feel depressed and I attribute that to moving my body every day and the other parts of my morning routine. However, I did feel like I did not care whether I got my work done or not and spent many days just riding my motorcycle and a little dead inside. I truly didn't care. I am normally very committed to my work and I am always preaching that in these times it is a luxury to have work. And here I was squandering everything away, but it was a chemical thing inside me. I just could not bring myself to care. I hope that was the end of that. Starting today, I have adopted a habit system (with paper clips), which I'm calling first blood, to drive me to engage every morning as part of the morning routine and I hope soon work will not depend on my willingness to do it.

On another positive note, since I felt more in control today, something inside me nudged me to skip my morning coffee and I had no problem with that. No brain tantrums this time.

Aside of what happened yesterday with my girlfriend, I still feel very sexless. If it wasn't for her, I would have not initiated it myself. My penis is not as shriveled anymore, which I assume is a good thing, but it is not a love-rod either. Overall, it feels like I've entered another stage, where I'm more in control of my executive function. I hope it goes on like this, but with increasing libido. I can't wait to move forward with my projects.

Exercise, good nutrition, box-breathing, 15 minute meditation, cold shower, first blood, no YouTube, no caffeine.

I feel grateful for my work.

I sincerely wish you all a successful reboot. See ya tomorrow!