So this morning I was sitting on one of the steps of the staircase at the house when all of a sudden Anne walked in front of me wearing only red panties. I told her, "good God woman, whatcha doin' to me, you know I'm only human, right?" Anne laughed it off and crawled on the staircase landing, just two steps above, and got on her fours and said, "this old thing? I don't know what you are talking about." Anne then turned over onto her back and she pulled her legs up elevating her junk in the air, laying on her back with her head and neck on the floor and her knees in the air reaching back to her head. Anne started caressing her thighs and gently running her fingers through her pussy and ass in red panties. Anne said "don't tell me I'm going to have to do this by myself" and so I crawled the two steps and proceded to bury my face in her underwear. Anne pulled the panties down and said "I think we should give it a lick," and I proceeded to get my nose between Anne's pussy and anus, just hovering above. I appreciated Anne's anus in full color and stuck out my tongue. Anne beat me to it, because all of a sudden Anne was licking her own pussy. That's normal 'cause Anne is bendy like that, right? Nothing out of the ordinary.
I stopped for only one second to appreciate me being about to run my tongue all through Anne Hathaway's pussy and perfectly pink anus, when all of a sudden... girlfriend texted me good morning and the "ding" from the phone notification fucking woke me up!!!!!! She cock blocked me by text message. I had been dreaming all along. Aaaaaaaargh!!!!!
Hahaha Sorry about the visuals guys, but that dream was just like that. So fucking VIVID. In full color and smells and everything. It was weird though, because I don't have a thing for Anne Hathaway. I think she's a good looking woman, but in no way have I ever lusted over her. There's countless actresses I would fantasize over first. In my dream, however, I was head over heals over this contortionist version of her.
I woke up with a massive boner that took a good while to come down.
I find it funny that we were just discussing wet dreams the other day. This one was the mother of all wet dreams. I had lots of precum when I woke up,
unlike the last one I had on day 5, from which I woke up dry. In that one, I did get to fuck though. And this time, when I had my bowel movement at noon, I leaked semen massively, which makes me think that probably the other days I've had leakage at noon, without any stimulus, it probably has been from dreams the night before that I just couldn't recall.
I spent the entire day horny as hell, lusting over neighbors that were walking their dogs, and basically mentally ravaging any woman I saw in the street and supermarket.
So, I will call that progress. It feels good.
See ya soon boys and girls!
PS. By the way, in addition to
Saturday, I also spent most Sunday morning fucking. No orgasm on my side, but lots of sex. I am moving forward!!!