About Me and Where I Want to Go In Life



Hello. My name is Damian, turning 19 in just two months and usually I would try to refrain from seeking help at times but I feel that this problem is starting to get a little out of control and I feel that I need some helpful advice in order to push through.

First things first, I have Asperger's and I have Asthma. I come from a family that tends to be negative at times to the point where my mother literally had to take me away from my father at a young age due to his negligence and his stupidity.

I first discovered porn from DVDs that my father had in his little office area in the living room at a very young age. It only got worse from there as one day I accidentally saw an explicit video play on the TV when I was in the living room. Never did I expect that those moments and many more would lead up to the events that are occurring in my life.

Now, my situation deteriorated so badly that I had to dropout of my first semester of college due to the fact that I ended up looking at nudity and masturbating to it 1-2 daily. At it's worst, I would masturbate 2-3 a day for no particular reason. All in all, it just caused me to have a lower self-esteem than usual considering that I was physically active.

Sometimes, I want to just give up but I really want to uphold the goals that I had in mind, which one of them was to be a programmer. I still want to but at times I would end up relapsing because I would overthink it too much.

Through each relapse, I learned what works for me below:

- Cold Showers
- Playing video games
- Reading a book
- Listening to music
- Deep breaths
- Getting a lot of sleep(when I do relapse, I tend to get less sleep)
- Exercising & Stretching

I am just going to take this one day at a time. If there are any other suggestions/ways to combat any urges, please tell me! I want to have a wide range of things to do so that I won't panic or feel unprepared.
Hi Damian,

Welcome to the forum! It's awesome that you are getting help with your addiction at such a young age, I would have killed to have the kinds of resources available now back when I was 19. My advice to everyone is to begin with the Your Brain on Porn video that outlines in summary form everything you need to know about porn addiction. It completely changed my life when I first saw it so I widely recommend it to anyone and everyone now. The YBOP website is also a treasure-trove of useful information, much more exhaustive than the video, literally anything you could ever want to know about porn addiction, how to overcome it etc. can be read there. Man, I often think of how good it would have been to have resources to help me beat my porn addiction in my teens, rather than now being in my mid 30s and still struggling with it. If you commit hard to getting over this addiction here and now, your whole life will be so much better from now on that you won't even recognise yourself.

Good luck! 


Thank you and I am sure that you will overcome this addiction. No one is alone is in fight, we all in this together!

Always take it one day at a time and one day my addiction will be no more.