

New Member
I have heard that hipnosis can help with ED related problems (not necessarily porn induced ED since the majority of professionals may not be aware of this phenomena, and i think that hipnosis employed to treat ED has more to do with anxiety, insecurities, etc.). Can any of you share your previous experience and/or thoughts about it? The main source of recovery would be, obviously, the removal of any kind of material related to porn just as described in YBOP, and hipnosis would be a secondary source of help , which involvement may drive recovery sooner. Do you think that would help? Would it be an improvement, do nothing, or even be counterproductive? Thank you.


Bom Dia. Acredito que a hipnose ajuda a condicionar o cérebro e ressignificar o vício, meu psicólogo não queria aplicar a hipnose comigo, mas disse que a pmo é a ponta do iceberg ... abuso, repressão infantil, ansiedade, tristeza, decepção, eu te faz ir para pmo, precisamos encontrar hábitos substitutos que tragam alívio igual a pmo, mas isso é um alívio duradouro. Abraço do Brasil