WHO I REALLY WANT TO BE (first post; new here)


New Member
If i would pick something to remind me of who i really want to be, i would pick the FORBES Magazine. I have always pictured myself right from my early teenage years appearing on the front cover of FORBES Magazine AFRICA, and also Forbes 30 under 30 for Africans. With all honesty, this dream often kick me out of my comfort zone and most times, i can see myself burning up with energy. However, the usage of porn over the last 10 years had made it seem like just a dream from afar, always punching a big hole to that energy bag. Whenever the energy surges and has been put to a good use for only a short while, porn and masturbation comes sucking all up the majority left.

When i look at myself today, i still wonder how i'm able to make most of teenage dreams come through (representing my country in some international competitions, getting sponsored by the Korean Government to study Robotics, etc) despite the fact that i'm a really strong user of porn for a decade (my longest streak this year was 15 days).

Nevertheless, i'll keep fighting and pushing.

Is it possible to make an ally from here?
Which groups can you recommend i join (Zoom meetings) so that i can break myself out of secrecy because, i'm sure that's why i haven't had a good success rate. I have never told anyone.